Chapter 20

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The other three Clans aren't okay with this. They want ThunderClan to banish both Ivypool and Blossomfall, simply from the fact that they're both she-cats and mates with each other, and StarClan appear to be doing nothing to stop them.

"Now wait just one moment." Mistystar says, getting the gathered cats attention. "We don't know for sure if StarClan staying silent is because they think that these two she-cats being together is wrong."

Ivypool and Blossomfall realize that Mistystar is right with that. But wouldn't StarClan do something to stop the other Clans from trying to force ThunderClan to kick both her and Blossomfall out?

"Then why aren't StarClan making any move to stop this arguing?" Onestar asks, looking out towards Ivypool and Blossomfall, then up towards the sky. "StarClan aren't making any move to stop a fight from possibly breaking out."

"I'm not banishing two of my warriors because of this." Bramblestar hisses.

"Onestar is right though." Blackstar says. "We don't know what StarClan's stance on this matter is, and they certainly don't seem to want to show us."

Both Onestar and Blackstar make just as much of a point as Mistystar does. None of them know what the reasoning for StarClan staying quiet about this whole situation is, and why they've chosen to stay silent about it. Maybe StarClan don't approve of this, and feel as though Ivypool and Blossomfall should leave ThunderClan?

Looking around, Ivypool finds that most of the gathered cats - aside from ThunderClan - seem to agree with Onestar and Blackstar about this.

Are they going to try and force Bramblestar to banish them from ThunderClan because of this? Surely not, right?

The other Clans have no business regarding what Bramblestar chooses to do with his own warriors. So why would they feel the need to force Bramblestar to banish them?

Ivypool looks back up towards the Clan leaders, completely missing the exchange that went down between Blackstar and Bramblestar that caused major protest from the ThunderClan warriors. Especially from Snowpaw, Dovewing, and Bumblestripe.

"Blackstar." Mistystar starts, seemingly the only one who has remained relatively calm throughout this whole situation. "It's no business of the other Clans regarding what Bramblestar does with his own warriors." She says. "He has no possible reason to banish these two she-cats simply because they've chosen to be mates with each other."

"Then why is StarClan not doing anything about it?" Blackstar questions.

"Some things StarClan cannot guide us with." Mistystar states.

"Yes, Blackstar." Bramblestar hisses. "I'm not just going to banish two of my most valued warriors just because the other Clans don't like something about them."

It seems as though a fight might be quick on the way between the ThunderClan and ShadowClan leaders at this rate. But as Ivypool glances up at the sky, there is still no clouds covering the moon. The moon is still shining down on them all brightly from the clear night sky.

Surely if a fight were to break out between Bramblestar and Blackstar, then StarClan would do something to stop it. The gathering is a time for peace between the four Clans, not conflict. But it doesn't seem that StarClan will do anything about this rising conflict.

Conflict that is all Ivypool and Blossomfall's fault. Or at least the two she-cats feel as if it's all their fault.

Maybe to just avoid this whole thing altogether, and to avoid something bigger happening because of this later on, Ivypool and Blossomfall should just leave? That way it'll avoid more conflict and no one will have to worry about them anymore.

"I am not banishing two of my warriors just because they've chosen to become mates with each other. And certainly not because the other Clans don't approve of it." Bramblestar growls.

Ivypool looks over at Blossomfall, a look of sadness crossed her face. The both of them know what they must do to avoid all the conflict over this. They may not like this decision that they're having to make, but if it'll avoid conflict between the Clans, then it's something that they have to do.

The fact that StarClan is staying silent about all of this though, and not giving any sign of what side they're on regarding all of this doesn't help the situation at all. But like Mistystar had said, there's some things that StarClan can't guide them all through.

There are some situations that the Clans have to figure out on their own, and it seems as though this is one of the situations that they have to work out on their own without the help of StarClan.

And Ivypool and Blossomfall have made their choice on what they're going to have to do. To avoid any unnecessary conflict about all of this, they must leave. Even if they don't want to.

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