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Suddenly Emma bursts into the room, eyes wild, covered in dirt and bleeding scratches.

Mabel shoots out of her seat, rushing to her daughter's side.

"Emma!?" She screams clutching her shoulders. Emma stares blankly at her for a moment before turning her eyes to me.

The look in her eyes is primal, urgent.

She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again, eyeing up the boys crowding in front of me.

She squeezes her eyes shut before speaking in a soothing voice, "...I'm alright, everyone. I'd like to have some personal time with _____...."

She opens her eyes and stares directly into mine, dread spreading through my body like a wildfire.

George stands up and takes a few steps forward, dragging his feet oddly.

"..George?" I ask, voice shaking slightly.

"It's okay, _______...have fun with Emma. We'll just be in the shop." He says stiffly, following John, Paul, and Ritchie into the storefront.

Emma grabs her mother's chin, "Go on with them, Mother. I'd like to catch up with _____ alone."

Mabel nods, walking off after the boys, the door shutting softly behind her.

Emma smiles at me softly, setting my nerves on edge.

She approaches me as if I'm an animal that will flee at any moment.

Emma takes a seat uncomfortably close to me, sliding her fingers into my hair.

I jerk back from her touch, "Emma! what is wrong with you?! What happened to you?" I ask, scooting to the end of the couch.

She follows, placing her hand on my thigh, "oh, many questions..." her hand slowly inches up and I slap it away, standing up.

She follows suit, "fine, if you must know angel face, I had a run in with my father..."

I look at the door everyone is behind desperately, trying to plan an escape, blood running cold at her use of 'angel face.'

My eyes flick back to her, now standing uncomfortably close, "they won't interfere, my lady, I've compelled them to stay away..."

I swallow, "...Emma...please.."

Her hand trails up my arm slowly, and I jerk away, backing into the door, fumbling clumsily with the handle.

Emma smiles, "now now, my sweet need to fight it...I'll be gentle..."

She pushes against me, hands sliding up the back of my shirt.

A rush of swirling sickness boils in my veins, causing me to groan.

"Shit..." I gasp, head falling backward, thudding into the wood harshly.

Emma takes her opportunity and presses a tentative kiss to my neck.

I push at her shoulders weakly, my blood increasing painfully quickly. I feel as if I'm about to explode.

A stream of blood starts steadily dripping from my nose, catching Emma's attention.

"" she opens her mouth, biting softly into my erratic pulse.

I cry out at the relief of intense pressure. "Emma...stop....please...don't become one of them..." I plead, feeling her drink greedily.

She slowly removes her teeth, thick rivulets of blood pouring from the bite wound.

"So lovely..." she mumbles, pinning me to the door, hands traveling around to the front, skirting along my bare skin tenderly.

"So sweet..." she licks the blood dripping from the wound, making small moans as she does.

Finally she closes the bite, hands sliding closer and closer to my breasts, but thankfully, the door swings open, sending us tumbling backward.

George catches me before I hit the floor, taking in the blood stains now spread around my collar.

He growls, a low animalistic rage rising to the surface.

George pulls me out into the store, John pushing past us, quickly pulling Emma to her feet.

Paul and Ritchie surround me, checking my neck to make sure the would is sealed properly.

John slams Emma against the wall, holding onto her shirt, "what the fuck, Emma? What is wrong with you?"

Emma grins, throwing John into the living room, sending him crashing across the table, shattering the tea set beneath his back.

John groans, standing back up, only to have Emma grab him by the throat, slamming him back onto the table.

I struggle out of George's protective hold, shoving through Ritchie and Paul.

I stomp up to Emma, grabbing her roughly by her neck.

She gasps, and I press my arm against her throat, pulling it back with my other arm roughly.

She struggles, "Princess...I don't want to hurt you..." her movements slow as she starts to lose consciousness.

"Emma..." I whisper softly into her hair, you need to go to sleep now..."

I only hold tighter, a rage fueled vendetta fueling the fire.

She weakly tries to shake me off, ultimately succumbing to the deep sleep.

George pulls me back, Paul pulling Emma from my arms, laying her on the couch.

Tears of rage fall from my eyes as I turn, burying my face in George's chest.

"Fuck..." John curses, glass tinkling to the floor.

"What happened?" Ritchie asks, rubbing my lower back gently.

George kisses my forehead tenderly, "what happened, darling? Suddenly we smelled your blood, and it woke us up...everything seemed hazy and unfocused, until we heard you begging Emma to stop...then we came rushing in..."

I sigh, "thank god you did...she...." I trail off, shuddering at the thought of Emma getting so close to violating me further.

"She what?" John asks, now at my side with Paul.

"She nearly...touched me." I say, unconsciously touching my neck.

"What? How do you mean?" George asks, concerned.

"She..well she bit me...and she was...uh..trying to grope me.." I finish lamely.

"Bloody bitch, I oughta-" I place my hand on George's bicep, cutting him off.

"It's not completely her fault, she said she had a run in with her father..."

"Samuel..." John seethes, looking over to Emma's unconscious form.

"Where's Mabel?" I ask, wary of her whereabouts.

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