Auntie's "Call"

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My vision is purely white. I cannot see a thing. My other senses seem to have been heightened. I set my sketchbook and pen beside me. I hear the gentle rustling of grass and feel a small breeze. "George.." I whisper.

I feel the presence of his hand swishing itself in front of my face. "No Geo, I can't see....I don't know what's happening..." "Your eyes have gone all white..." George speaks clasping my hand in his.

Suddenly I speak, but it's not I who is talking, someone is controlling my actions.

"Hello boys! It's so good to see you after so long!" My voice says, in a higher pitch that usual. I feel my head turn in various directions.

"Who are you?! How are you controlling me!?" I ask, fear dripping from my words.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, love! It's me, Auntie!"

"What?!" I exclaim, absolutely floored, but I smile hugely, feeling warmth in my soul.

"Have you read my letter? I sent it just in case...I'm safe...for now. Some of Samuel's goons are hot on my trail, however. I'm afraid they're going to catch up to me eventually..."

"I did, but how are you doing this? Why are you doing this? How do I prepare?" I ramble rapidly, before I'm cut off again.

My aunt chuckles, "always with the questions, this one. First, I'm using your blood to contact you. I did a small ritual, but we haven't much time to talk, this is very draining to do. I needed to contact you as quickly as I could, and connecting our spirits was the most surefire way without leaving an obvious trail. To prepare my girl, you must learn to fight. You've got four boys, use them. Make sure you protect yourself, use that clear liquid. It's not absolutely fool proof, but it will mask your scent for a little bit at a time, making it very difficult to pinpoint an exact location. I know that he is in your area, so you must be ready. Boys, you need to make some wards. Place them around your house, by the river, anywhere that you go. Protect my niece. She was reborn far more quickly than has ever been recorded..we cannot let her fall again. As long as she's nurtured she can almost single handedly help our dying race. ______, my sweet little princess, I-"

My body jerks violently, and I gasp out, gripping onto the grass to steady my trembling self.

"They're here...I must go.. I lo-"

Suddenly the world around me comes back into overwhelming focus. I fall backwards into the grass, staring up at the cloudy sky.

I squeeze my eyes closed, feeling blood trickle out of my nose. Suddenly I'm being scooped up, my eyes open again, black dots clouding my vision. I see Paul's face before I close my eyes and go into a gentle sleep.


Darkness surrounds me again, and I stand alert, and looking around me for any movement.

"Oh you adorable little girl." Samuel speaks. I whirl in my spot, taking a defensive stance.

He laughs heartily, then grabs me and presses himself against me, "we're so close...I can almost taste you again...oh, wait!" He snaps his fingers, "I just got word we captured Terese. And she's apparently got vials of your blood. With those, we'll track you down again in no time. Soon, darling." He backs away, laughing maniacally.

I growl, lunging forward grabbing onto his collar, "you listen, I'm not going to give in to you. And I'm not going to be your blood slave again!" My lips twist into a threatening sneer. "I'm going to end this. I'm going to end everything you've built. We're going to be a peaceful people. Not these, these violent blood crazed people that you've made them into."

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