The Shower

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A few blissful seconds later, George pulls back, face heated. I lick my swollen lips as I look down, embarrassed. George lifts my chin up, "that was brilliant." He goes to lean in again and someone clears their throat.

We jump at the sound and see two very flustered lads looking anywhere but us. "Right. Sorry bout tha'" George says rubbing the back of his neck. Paul claps his hands together getting our attention, "we need to explain ourselves. This must be confusing and a bit frightening to you, ________. Come, let's go somewhere more comfortable."

We stand and make our way to the living room. There's two comfy looking couches squared around a lovely glass coffee table. I take a seat, George to my left, Paul to the right. Ritchie remains standing. "I'm going to make some tea, we're going to be here a while." We nod, and he exits the room.

We three sit in amicable silence until I speak up, " you mind if I shower? I feel rightly disgusting." Paul stands, taking my hand, "anything for you, love, I'll show you."

"I'll gather you some fresh clothes, leave the door unlocked, I'll set them on the sink." George says and stands as well.

Paul leads me to the bathroom on the first floor. It's a very large, luxurious room. The sink and tiles are a gorgeous marble, the theme of the room being black and white.

Paul opens the sliding door on the shower, revealing a large bench. I gasp in amazement, "oh my, I think I'll be spending quite a bit of time in here, so don't wait up!" I joke. He grins, and shows me how to operate the shower itself.

"We also went and got you these earlier." He says handing me a little caddy full of ladies toiletries. "Oh wow, how did you know my favorite scents?" I ask rifling through the various soaps and creams.

He rubs his neck, "we'll get to that later. Before I go love, there's just one thing I need to say. I know you have no idea what's going on, but I must get this off my chest. Seeing you..kiss George back there..sparked a small tinge of jealousy. So...if you don't mind...."

Paul leans in and I raise my eyebrows in surprise, "Paul! I-" I'm cut off by his plump lips pressing into mine. His large hand cups my cheek and I grip onto his shirt for balance.

He backs away as quickly as he came, "I'm sorry, _______, I just..had to." At that he turns and exits the room. I lick my lips and close the door, wondering what that was all about.

I disrobe and step into the steaming shower, immediately moaning at the wonderful feeling. I stand under the running water for a few minutes enjoying the warmth. I was so engrossed in the wonderful feeling I didn't notice someone had entered the room. There's a light tap on the glass of the shower and I scream. I hear George laughing.

"I've got your clothes on the counter, love. Take your time!" And with that I hear the door click closed. Take my time I did indeed, the warm water was a welcome feeling to my skin.

I wash the grime and grease from my hair, wringing it out gently when I finished. I sit on the bench and lather my legs with wonderful smelling cream.

After that, I generously cover myself from head to toe with a body wash. The crystals in the wash smooth out the last few days built up sweat.

I reach up, about to pull the shower head off the holder to rinse myself, but I hear the door open and shut.

"Alright Paul-a," John's voice echoes through the room. "I can't be bothered to go upstairs for the loo, so you're going to want to stay clear of the water."

All sound catches in my throat and I stand there, mouth agape. "Paul? You alright in there?" I see a shadow in front of me through the frosted glass.

I hold my breath awaiting my fate, when John says, "oh, shite. You're in there, aren't you, ________...I'm so sorry, not used to having a lady in the house anymore..."

I breathe out and shakily speak, "it's okay John, just please leave me be..." The shadow stays where it is, "you sure you don't want me to wash your back? Get all the little nooks and crannies that are hard for you to reach?"

I feel my face heat up, "no thank you John, I'm just about finished up." I watch the shadow hesitate, then leave. I quickly rinse off and grab a towel.

After drying thoroughly, I put on the undergarments and lavender shift dress George brought to me. The dress was absolutely gorgeous. I slowly brushed the knots out of my hair while blow drying it.

I sigh contentedly and open the door, swirling steam billowing out before me. Not paying attention, I walk straight into a solid body.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was walking!" I look up, seeing a smiling John. "Ah, no worries, love! I actually wanted to uh, talk with you before we join the others..." he grips onto my forearms lightly.

Instinctively pull back slightly, causing a flash of guilt and pain to show across his face. I look to our feet, avoiding his gaze. "_______..please look at me.." I look into his honey brown eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity.

"I need to apologize..what I did this morning was..disgusting..cruel, and downright invasive." He slides his hands down to grip mine tightly. "Please, please forgive me...I'm so's just..I want you, I need you so bad, it's driving me mad."

"John, John listen, I just need to know what's going please, let's clear this up, yeah? I don't believe you meant to hurt me, and if I'm telling the weren't wrong...that did feel rather...nice."

"You'll understand soon." He smiles, pulling me along to the living room where the others await.

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