And I Love Her

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I stretch my arms above my head, and turn around to see nothing but the great expanse of beach behind me.

I sigh and speak to myself, "I suppose it'll be a bit before everyone falls asleep.." I concentrate hard, then a very large beach blanket appears.

I nod in satisfaction and lay down on the blanket, soaking up the warmth of the sun hanging overhead.

It's not long before I'm joined by Ritchie. He grins down at me, casting a shadow over my face.

I smile back at him, patting the blanket next to me. He joins me, sliding his arm under my neck, supporting my head up.

"I fall asleep quickly. Luckily too, because now I've got ya all to myself..." I giggle as he pulls my body on top of his.

I lay myself flat across his body as his hands slowly caress my back.

I sigh, "you're really good at that, Ritchie..." He hums in response, casually sliding his hands down to grip my butt.

I squeal, "Richard!" and giggle, wiggling my hips to try and "loosen" his hold.

"Uh-uh, you naughty girl. Wearing this little bikini? You deserve to be punished."

He grips tighter, his fingertips tickling slightly, causing me to laugh and press into him more.

My giggling slowly fades as his ocean blue eyes lock onto mine, and suddenly I'm very aware of his growing arousal beneath me.

I slowly stretch forward, our lips connecting, but only briefly, for we are immediately interrupted by a bucket of water being poured on us.

I jump off Ritchie, mouth gaping like a fish, and turn to see our attacker: John.

I squint my eyes at him, John only grins cockily, tossing the bucket over his shoulder. "Funny story, turns out you're not the only one that can manifest things here."

Ritchie laughs, "you're something else John. Also, you may be here but that's not stopping my fun." He loops his arms around my waist from behind, kissing the side of my neck.

I giggle, shuddering at the feeling of his warm lips against my skin. John slides his arms between us, "you sure you want to start this business without Georgie? You know he'll punish ____....on second thought, yeah. Let's start without him..."

I scoff, "excuse me? I-" John cuts me off with a strangely delicate kiss. He settles his hands on my upper arms, squeezing lightly.

The feeling of both John and Ritchie's lips on me crack my resistance immediately, turning me to putty in their very capable hands.

John pushes me snugly against Ritchie with his chest, sliding his hands up to my shoulders, toying with the straps of my bikini.

Ritchie gathers my hair in his fist gently, pulling it aside for better access to my neck. He continues peppering kisses all along my exposed skin.

Ritchie's free hand slides up my back, casually pulling the string around my neck loose. John steps back briefly, allowing the bikini top to fall open, exposing my breasts.

"Atta boy, Ringo." John praises, pinching my left nipple. "Hey! -" John silences me with another delicate kiss.

"Starting the fun without us?" George's voice sounds to my right, making me jump slightly.

George's hand grazes my right breast, gently rubbing my nipple. I sigh softly, lost in the feeling before I remember to respond to George.

I drew my mouth from John's, " wasn't..m-me..." No one stops their actions, turning me into a heated mess.

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