The Bird

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"Okay're the man here, you cook the meat!" I sing, in hopes he'll do it with no question.

He raises his thick eyebrows and smiles, "if you say so, love." I watch adoringly as he starts making the steaks.

I get my rice going after a few minutes of ogling George out of the corner of my eye.

"Something smells quite delectable! I'm starved!" Ritchie exclaims, walking into the kitchen. I turn with a grin, "that's because George is a master chef!" He smiles and John rolls his eyes at me.

"When are they going to be done, Harrison? I may just have to go back to ______ for another helping." John says with a sly grin.

I sarcastically smile, "in your dreams, John. You can't get too greedy or there won't be enough for everyone."

He squints his eyes at me, an unreadable expression on his face. I turn back to my rice and finish it up just as George finishes the last steak.

"Soups on!" George jokes, placing the steaks on different plates. I scoop rice onto all the plates then place the silverware neatly next to the food.

All of us grab a plate and bring them to sit in the dining room. "Where's Paul?" I question, hovering over my chair.

Ritchie shrugs, "he was just bookmarking a page, he was right behind me."

I purse my lips, "I'm going to make sure he's okay.." then make my way quickly up the stairs.

"Paul?" I call out as I reach the top, but there's no response. I peek into the library, and see a shadow moving behind a row of bookcases. I approach cautiously, holding my breath.

I hear Paul muttering something under his breath, but can't quite make out the exact words.

A few steps closer and I hear a dull thud, like a window being opened.

One more step, and Paul screams bloody murder.

I run to him, adrenaline kicking in. As I round the shelves, I see Paul cowering from a cute little redwing, preening his wings on the windowsill.

I let out a heavy breath, and laugh madly. Paul quickly turn his head to me, "please help me!" He squeaks.

"Paul, he's just a harmless little bird! Look!" I stick my finger out, slowly inching it closer and he flutters back the way he came.

Paul stands and slams the window shut. Then hugs me tightly, squeezing the air from my lungs, "thanks so much, love! That small devil scared the life out of me! He came straight for my eyes, I swear!"

I let out a few huffs that we're supposed to be laughs. Paul loosens his death grip. "It's alright Paul, the big bad birdie is gone, but George and I just finished dinner, let's go eat, yeah?"

Paul nods, kissing me on the forehead softly. Keeping one arm around my waist we head down to eat.

As we sit at the table John asks, "what was with all the noise up there?" Paul's face flushes as he stares intensely at his steak, cutting it into the smallest pieces he can.

I grin wickedly, "this huge wild bird came crashing through the window! It dive-bombed Paul's eyes, trying to take them back for his family to feast upon tonight!" I swing my arms wildly, "imitating" the bird.

Everyone bursts out laughing, Paul sinking lower in his chair, face turnin even darker.

"Ah, so I see he came back to visit ya, eh?" Ritchie says between breaths for air.

Paul shoots him a dirty look, and gives him a bird of his own.

I raise my eyebrows and look to George for clarification.

George smiles widely, showing off his fangs. "Was the bird a redwing?"

I nod, urging him to continue. "Well, while you and John were training, this bird flew up and landed on the window. Paul had opened it since it's very stuffy in there after a while. Paul didn't want him to go using the loo on our research, so he tried to shoo it away, and actually swatted the bird out. Mr bird didn't take too kindly to that, so he pecked Paul's finger and flew off."

We all burst into laughter again, Paul rolls his eyes, finally cracking a smile.

After finally calming ourselves, we eat in comfortable silence, enjoying the amazing steaks George made.

"Christ, those were good." John says, leaning back in his chair, rubbing his stomach.

I nod enthusiastically as I take my last bite, theatrically pushing my plate away.

"I could really use a nap now, though..." Ritchie says with a big yawn. George and Paul both mutter in agreement, but Paul speaks up, "it would be nice..but we've got to figure out these wards..."

George gazes at me for a few seconds, then stands and kisses me softly, tracing his finger along my jaw, "we'll be in the library most of the night, stay with Johnny tonight, alright darling?" I nod my head slowly, enjoying the feeling of his fingers on my skin.

He kisses me once more and beckons Paul and Ritchie to follow, "and take it easy on him, love. His ego's too fragile for another injury like that!"

John stands and shouts after them, "can it, Hazza! It was a lucky shot!" I hear their laughter fade as they disappear up the stairs.

John holds his hand out to me, helping me stand, "are you ready for round two of training, sweetheart?"

I smile, and speak enthusiastically, "I am!"

He grins mischievously and leads me to a door I have yet been through. I watch curiously as John turns the knob.

My eyes are met with a staircase engulfed in darkness. I lick my lips nervously and I glance sideways to John.

"It's just the basement, love. This is the perfect area for your next lesson."

Without waiting for a response, John gently rubs my hand and takes me down into the suffocating confines of the basement.

(Hello, my little darlings! I'm sooooo sorry this chapter is so late! I got my new computer yesterday and I spent all night doodling on it! 😬 As an apology, here's the best little sketch I did  💜🕉

 (Hello, my little darlings! I'm sooooo sorry this chapter is so late! I got my new computer yesterday and I spent all night doodling on it! 😬 As an apology, here's the best little sketch I did  💜🕉

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Until next chapter! 😘😘)

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