John's Training

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Ritchie and Paul both walk quickly down the hall, mumbling about having to take care of "something."

John stayed put in the doorway, arms crossed. "Are you quite finished? As perfectly wonderful shagging __________ is, we should start training her. You heard Aunt Therese, he is in our area...we need to make sure she can fight him if necessary.."

George looks down at me, squeezing me for a moment, then sits up. "Can you take her and start teaching her?" John nods, dropping his arms to his sides.

I stand, putting my undergarments back on. I open John's wardrobe and dig around through my clothes. I pull out a loose fitting top and a pair of black leggings. After changing I stand in a mock fight pose, "I am ready, teacher."

I get a few chuckles from George and John. "I'm going to get the others and try to start making these wards." George states, rising from the bed and quickly dressing himself.

John takes my hand and wordlessly leads me outside. After a few moments of walking in silence, I finally speak up, "where are you taking me, John?"

John stays quiet for a few more moments. "I'm taking you to my meditation area. I will teach you how to fight there."

I squeeze his hand nervously, biting down on my lip. A few more moments of walking and we step from the thick woods into a small clearing.

I look around me, nothing really standing out beside the training dummy in the center.

I walk up to it, trailing my fingers across the stiff fabric. John speaks again, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. "I got this earlier today to help you. I'm a pretty experienced brawler, but you're going to need more refined training."

I nod my head, not really sure about what I'm doing. John runs his hands gently down my arms, "don't be nervous, love. It's just a matter of punching and kicking. I know you have what it takes." He presses me into his chest, whispering in my ear, "we believe in you, my love. Please don't leave us again.."

Johns words stir a deep seeded anger within, and you nod once. "I'm never going to leave you again. I will come out victorious." John kisses my neck gently, raising goosebumps. My body shivers in pleasure.

He turns me to face him, tracing his finger along my cheek, "anything you feel, we can feel as please...we couldn't stand for you to be hurt..." I tilt my head into his touch, "what do you mean?"

"As your bonded, err, mates, any sensation you feel, we also do. Be it pain, or pleasure. It's not as apparent as you feel, but it's there. If we had to feel that torture again....we'd go mad.." he finishes softly, eyes averted to the ground.

"John...." I say sadly, cupping his cheeks in my small hands. He shifts his whiskey colored eyes to my face, giving me a gentle smile, "I love you...let's get training, yeah?" I nod enthusiastically and stand before the dummy, waiting for John's instruction.

"First," He starts, placing his hands on my hips, "turn your body slightly." I follow John's gentle pushes, and turn so my left hip is slightly pointed toward the dummy.

"Good." He slides his hand over my bum, and down my right leg a little. "Now, keep all your weight on your right leg, and spread your feet to keep a good center of gravity." I nod, shifting my feet.

John takes my hand and moves my fingers, "This is how to make a proper fist. Put your thumb on top of your fingers. Now raise your arms and position your right fist by your chin and the left at your eye."

I allow John to push my hands into position. "When you throw a punch, make sure you strike quickly, aim for any soft spots. And keep your elbows tucked."

I breathe out slowly, focusing all of my energy to my fists. "Perfect. Now, take a swing." John backs away from me, allowing me some room to throw punches.

I hit the dummy a few times, satisfying thuds ring out into the clearing with every swing.

Suddenly John tackles me from the side. I yelp in surprise, "what the hell, John!?"

"Be aware of your surroundings at all times, love." John helps me stand again. "Always know what's happening around you. Try again, sweetheart." I get in my stance, ready to punch again, when I see movement from the corner of my eye.

I turn on my heel and strike a short, but devastating blow.

Straight into John's left eye.

The force of the hit sends John tumbling backward, causing him to thud unceremoniously to the ground, holding both hands over his eye.

My hands fly to my mouth as I let out a gasp. I kneel by him, cradling his head in my lap. "John! Oh my god! Are you okay!?" I ask, stroking his hair.

He groans, slowly moving his hands, revealing his swollen, bruising eye.

"That was...bloody fantastic! One hit and I was down!" John cheers, and I help him sit up.

I grimace, "I didn't mean to hit you that hard....I wasn't even trying.." he grins widely, "that's even better. That means you've still got vampire strength. Usually the Psyche is weak, and powerless to regular vampires. But you. You are special."

John's words turn my cheeks pink, and I look away from him. He gently turns my cheek toward him, and kisses me delicately.

I stand and help him up, I frown at the dark purple spreading out from his closed eye. His good eye looks down at me, "don't worry, love. It will heal quite quickly. In a few hours I'd say. But maybe we should take a short break and check how the others are doing?"

I nod, letting John lead me back to the house.

We go upstairs into the library, where the lads have tons of books scattered everywhere.

As we enter they all look up, and immediately notice John's eye.

"What happened to your face, Lennon?" George asks, not even trying to hide the smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

John hooks a thumb at me, "it was her! She's got one hell of a right hook, she does."

They laugh heartily, then Ritchie walks up to us, raising my right arm in the air and pointing at me, "gents, we have a new champion!" The others cheer and clap, Paul whistling.

I shake my head, my cheeks coloring. "It's not that amazing, you know. I hurt John.."

Paul claps me on the shoulder, sending my body jerking forward, "and we all
wish we could, so thank you for that."

"Oye, watch it McCartney. I'll have her mark up your pretty face next."

Paul raises his hands in surrender, but winks at me. I giggle, covering my mouth. "I think you lads have earned a break, yeah? I'll make us some dinner. But you," I grab John's arm, "are coming with me."

(I got my other poster in the mail today!! But I really need to read dimensions

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(I got my other poster in the mail today!! But I really need to read's so huge! 💜💜🕉)

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