Breakfast and Bruises

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"Damnit John!" I growl, shooting him a glare. He slowly grins at me, "you weren't thinking of having fun with grumpy face over here without me, were you?"

I smack his arm, and George speaks up, "come on, Lennon. Why do you always have to spoil the mood?"

John chuckles evilly, "I'm not out to spoil anything! I just want to be included! Which leads me to my next question, why is this such a vivid dream?"

I sigh, and explain what's going on to John. He nods along and taps his chin, "this is very odd...but I'm down for some dream fun..." he winks suggestively at me.

I roll my eyes, and sit back down in the warm sand. "Why the beach?"  John asks siting next to me.

I shrug, "I'm guessing it's because the beach is a relaxing, enjoyable place where my body can recuperate?"

George takes a seat on my other side, threading his fingers with mine. "Can you make things appear?"

"I haven't tried...but.." I concentrate really hard, then a plate of cookies appears.

George reaches for one and devours it instantly, "Can you have this power in real life?" I giggle, "I wish.." I eat a cookie as well, staring into the gentle waves.

"When do you suppose I'll be healed enough to stay conscious for more than a few minutes at a time?"

John clutches my other hand, "you lost more than half your blood, I'm not a doctor, and since you specialize in making blood it's hard to with us around, your body should increase the blood making...sooo..maybe a few more days?"

"That doesn't seem so bad...and since you can come to me in my dreams it won't be as lonely.."

George kisses my cheek, "I'll stay sleeping as long as I can, just to see your beautiful eyes..."

John makes a gagging noise, "get a room, would ya?" I shoot John a glare, then kiss George's nose.

"I think one of you should let the others know what's going on." I say, not so subtly hinting at John.

Suddenly the sky starts fading to black, and my vision fades with it.


I groggily open my eyes, groaning at the pain in my stomach. I shake John to no avail, then shake George who slowly opens his eyes.

It takes a few moments for George to realize he's awake, and when he does he kisses me delicately on the lips, "welcome to the waking world, darling."

I smile and weakly lift my arm to touch his cheek, then speak, voice barely recognizable as my own, "hey Geo..I'm starved..."

He leaps out of the bed, "I'll make you anything you want, you name it." I ponder for a moment, then decide on breakfast. "Eggs and toast please.."

He nods and bounds off to make me food. I look at John, who is now awake and grinning at me, "what's the grin for?" He wiggles his eyebrows, "I'm imagining you in that bikini again..." I giggle, "you're such a pervert, John."

He gently rubs my arm, "I am, but I'm your pervert..." I shake my head, "can you go let Ritchie and Paul know what's going on?" John kisses my temple lightly, "anything for you, love." He hops out of bed, and I hear him stomp down the stairs.

I lay in the bed alone, waiting for George to bring me back my food. I groan, my back hurting from laying in the same position for so long. As I squirm to get comfortable again, my body repeatedly screams at me that it wishes to stand up.

Not wanting to get a lecture from the boys momentarily pauses my actions, but a vicious calf cramp causes me to shoot out of the bed with a yelp.

I hop around the room mumbling incoherent words in a squeaky voice, and end up smashing into the desk with my hip, sending that into a searing pain as well.

I groan, "ooowwwwwwwwwww.." Suddenly there's multiple footsteps running up the stairs, and all four lads appear in the doorway, looks of worry marring their adorable faces.

Ritchie pushes into the room first, pulling me into him, and I rest my weight on him with a whine. George rushes in, "_____, are you alright?! What's going on?!"

I smile sheepishly at him, "I..was really uncomfortable so I wanted to stretch..and then I got a cramp...and then I fell into the desk.." My knees suddenly buckle, Ritchie nearly dropping me.

"______?!" Ritchie says lifting me back up to a half stand. My body sways as my vision grows spotty, "I...I feel really..dizzy..."

Ritchie helps me to the bed, and I immediately collapse onto it. George is at my side in an instant, holding my shaking hand.

I smile weakly up at him, "sorry...I shouldn't have tried to get up..." George pets my hair soothingly, "shhhh, darling, it's alright..." I turn my face to press into his palm, sighing.

"err, what's that smell?" Paul says, sniffing the air loudly. George's eyes grow twice their size, "oh shit the eggs!" George runs top speed out of the room.

I laugh quietly, scooting slowly to the middle of the bed. Ritchie turns to John and Paul still lingering in the door, "what were you about to tell us now, John?"

"Right, well, apparently sleeping with ______ allows us to enter into her dreams. George and I were just in there before I came down to get you. Feels just like the real thing!" John winks at me suggestively.

I roll my eyes, "nothing happened in that sense. At least....not yet..." I grin as the three boys turn their attention to me quickly, and I shoot them a wink.

"Cheeky girl." Paul says with a sly grin. "Does this mean we're all going to enter dreamland with you for some fun?" Ritchie asks, a crooked grin on his supple lips.

My face heats a bit, "I think that sounds very lovely..." Just then, George enters the room with my food. Ritchie helps me sit up against the headboard and George places the tray over my outstretched legs.

I smile up at him, "thanks looks great." The tremors in my hands have died down to near non-existence, and I dig into the food.

After I'm finished, I drink the glass of orange juice quickly, the sweet drink sliding down my throat smoothly.

I sigh in contentment as George sets the tray over on the desk. I feel my eyelids grow heavy and let out a big yawn.

"Let's get you resting again, sweetheart." Paul's coos, as he disrobes and slides into the bed with me.

He scoots me down and presses himself into my back, then George lays in front of me, allowing me to rest my head on his chest.

Ritchie and John curl themselves at the bottom of the bed, and before I know it, I'm blinking at the bright rays of sunshine reflecting off the lazily rolling waves of the ocean.

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