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Holding John's hand, I lead him down to the kitchen with me. I gesture to one of the stools at the island, "sit."

John hops up, watching me with his one good eye. I rummage through the drawers, pulling out two thin dish towels.

I get one wet with warm water, and lay the other flat, grabbing some ice from the freezer and placing it in the towel.

I take the warm rag and walk over to John, pressing in gently against his eye.  He sucks a quick breath through his teeth. I pull the rag back, fearful of hurting him more.

"Oh, John I'm so sorry!" I gently touch his face, running my thumb softly under his eye. "Does it hurt badly?" "

A wee does.." he says gripping my wrist delicately.

I hang my head, feeling a deep remorse for hurting him. He tilts my chin up, smiling softly, "don't feel bad, love. I'm actually very pleased you did this. It shows that you're more prepared than we thought."

I flash him a small smile, "okay, so I'm sorry if this hurts..." I press the rag to his eye again, feeling him cringe back from the pain. "I'm sorry..I'm sorry.." I keep repeating as I continue my gentle dabbing.

John lets out a long breath, tilting his face toward the ceiling. I set the rag on the counter grabbing John's face, "let me kiss it better?"

He nods his head and I press my lips to his forehead, then brush them against the corner of his bruised eye.

He points to his cheek, "it hurts here, too." I kiss him there. Then he points to his nose, and I kiss him gingerly there, too. Finally he points to his lips, "it really hurts here..."

I raise my eyebrows and give him a smirk, "oh, poor poor Johnny," I peck him on his lips, "let me kiss you better.." I kiss him again, this time his lips are parted slightly, meeting mine with a sly swipe of his tongue.

I pull back slightly, smirking at him. He opens his legs slightly pulling me closer to him. "Come show me how sorry you are..."

I attach my lips to his, slowly snaking my arms around his neck. John gently pulls my hair, forcing my head back and exposing my neck.

John trails sloppy open mouthed kisses down my throat, pausing just above my collarbone. He nibbles gently, then attaches his lips aggressively, sucking hard, giving me a small bite every now and again.

A soft sigh leaves my lips, "..John......" I feel him smile agains the tender flesh, then he goes back to leaving his mark. His hands pull my head back further, "you gave me a's only fair I get to give you one too..."

I bite my lip as his words reverberate in me. Suddenly another body presses against me from behind. A surprised gasp flies from my mouth as a second pair of lips attach to the other side of my neck.

I moan softly at the mounting pleasure. The second pair of lips start sucking roughly, scraping his teeth against the heated skin.

I let out a small cry of pleasure as the two very talented mouths simultaneously sink their teeth into the fragile skin.

My knees buckle, and John holds me up. The pleasure I'm being given is almost too much as my vision becomes spotted.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel a familiar warmth spreading through my veins. My breathing is ragged and I shout out, voice hoarse. "Ahh..! Fuuu-" A delicious orgasm ripples through me to my fingertips.

"That's a good girl..." John praises, after removing his teeth. My eyes are still squeezed shut as I feel my body being turned.

A soft pair of lips press lovingly onto mine. I flutter my eyes open, being met with the satisfied gaze of George.

"George.." I whisper, smiling goofily. "________." He whispers back mockingly, and grins back at me. He steadies me back on my feet. I kiss his cheek and turn back to John, noticing his eye looked a bit better. He could open it a little bit now.

I smile, "oh John, your eye is looking better now!" I press my lips lightly to his eyebrow.

"It's all in that magical blood of yours, darling. It'll speed up the healing process." He says pushing a stray strand of hair back in to place.

"More importantly," George interjects. "What are you making for food? And when?"

I chuckle, "well, I was thinking about doing some steaks?"

"A bloody steak sounds fantastic!" George cheers. "Can I help you with anything?"

I ponder for a moment, "could you get me out, well, everything?" I ask, batting my eyelashes and clasping my hands together.

George grins, "why yes, I suppose I could, your majesty,"

I smack him playfully on the shoulder, then turn my attention to the rag with ice in it. It's a bit melted, but not too badly.

George starts digging out the cookware and whatnot as I wrap the rag around the ice.

Walking back up to John, I place it gently over his eye. He sighs, "that feels amazing.."

I kiss his cheek, "keep the ice on, it'll help the swelling." Turning back to George I clap my hands, "let's get down to business."

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