Secrets and Dreams

Start from the beginning

"Wait today?" said Circo, looking as if he seen a ghost. I looked at him, concerned, "Everything okay?"

"Y-yeah," he said, trying to lie, "I just- I need to- I got to go." Before any of us could say anything, Circo walked out of the door he just came in and walked around the corner. I watched as he left, even when he was out of sight.

"Something's not right," I said, deciding on what to do, "Steven, we'll hold off on that Golf day."

"Aw why?!" he asked, upset.

"Something is upsetting Circo, and he won't get any better from it until he tells somebody about it. I'll be right back."

Steven still looked pretty sad, so I said, "Hey, he's a good friend of ours Steven. When our friends are upset, you want to help them right?"

"Yeah..." he said.

"So, I'm going to help him. Try convincing the gems to go mini golfing first; I bet they need some convincing."

Steven laughed and nodded. I smiled and walked out of the door. I grabbed my bow and slung it across my shoulder, just in case. I made my way down the steps and as soon as I reached the beach, I looked up. Circo was already on the other side, close to the Big Donut.

"I got to move," I mumbled, and started running after Circo, trying to catch up but also keep a good distance from him. I followed him all the way up to where the cave is that leads to my mom's room. I stood behind a tree, silently panting and gasping for air. I looked from the tree, making sure to stay out of sight.

Circo had summoned his sword and had now just put it in a small, thin hole in the center of the sun on the left side of the front of the cave. He turned his sword and the sound of a keyhole being unlocked echoed. He pulled his sword out and the cave wall vanished and showed a staircase going up.

'I thought my mom's room was the only place here,' I thought. Circo started going up the stairs and I went to follow. But the wall appeared again before I could get through.

"Dang it!" I said, slamming my hand against the wall. My gem glowed and the wall vanished, revealing the entrance into my mom's room. I sighed and went inside anyway; it's been a while since I visited her room. I got to the edge of the slope and made it to the side wall and walked down the stairs. As I went the lights from the lamps and pool water glowed, making it as bright as day light. I made it to the bottom and looked around. Same old room, except now the tile for a near full moon was glowing softly.

"Couple more days before a full moon," I mumbled as I walked towards my mom's bedroom. My mom's bedroom was like the main room, but smaller. There was a image of a crescent moon on the floor, with the stars surrounding it, big and bright. There were bookshelves along the walls, and there was an old couch against one wall for sitting and reading. The ceiling was covered in the large white tiles in order to reflect the light. Surprisingly, there was a large bed against one wall, across from the couch. It was dark blue and had an over head canopy, filled with little silver pieces of paper, made to look like stars.

"Why would mom need a bed?" I asked myself, "It's not like she needed to-oh..."

It wasn't for her; it was meant for me. I bet she wanted dad and I to stay here, but dad probably couldn't bear being here after she passed. I turned around to walk out of the room, when I noticed something. A stone staircase leading up to the domed ceiling. Curiosity taking over, I started towards the stairs and climbed to the top. The ceiling tile at the top looked like it could be moved. I pressed both my hands against it and pushed. A low moan was made and I pushed harder, until the tile popped out and bright light poured through the hole. I poked my head through the hole and gasped.

"So this is Circo's mom's room," I said.

The room was as big as my mom's bedroom. It was round and, instead of bookshelves full of books, it was bookshelves full of human stuff. There was an old couch and a bed, similar to the one in my mom's room was against the wall. I climbed up and looked around some more. The ceiling, instead of white tile, was actually see through glass, so you could see the sun shining down. On the floor was the image of a large sun, singing bright yellow, orange and red. I walked over to one shelf and found some weird looking jewelry.

"What is this?" I said, looking at it. It was a large chain, with large circles, that spiraled inward. There was a band to put on and a small hoop for I assumed your finger. Or was it one of those foot jewelry things? I wasn't sure. I put it down, just as I heard of stone grinding back into place. I turned on the spot and saw something that made my heart stop.

It was Circo, who had pushed the stone back. He was looking at me with tear stained cheeks and fire in his eyes. He said, his voice full of sad emotion, "Luna, what are you doing here?"

"I-I" was all I could say. Circo walked up to me, so that he was right in front of me. "Did you follow me?" he said, sounding like he was trying to find patience.

"I only did because you seemed upset about something," I said, trying to not be intimidated by his look. He sighed, but it was one of deep tiredness and sadness. He walked over to the bed and sat on it, placing his head between his hands. He didn't say anything for the longest time, so when I walked over to him and sat next to him, he flinched a little when I touched his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to help.

He looked up at me and I was shocked to see he had been crying this whole time. "The reason why I didn't want you to follow me," he said, "is because today is the day I lost my mom, my birthday."


Oh my goodness! Plot twist! Next chapter, you'll guys will get to see a picture of Circo's mom, Circa. And you'll also know Circo's backstory. Anyway, hoped you guys liked this chapter and I'll try to update ASAP. :)  

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