"Come on!" Steven said, grabbing my hand, "Pearl is going to tell us about Opal!"

"What's an Opal? Beside it being a gem?" I asked, as Steven brought me over to Amethyst and Pearl. Pearl sighed, "As I was saying before," she said, moving the sand to form a sand version of Amethyst and a sand version of Pearl, "When we synchronize our forms, we can combine into a powerful fusion gem called Opal." As she explained, sand Pearl started dancing closer to sand Amethyst, who also was dining towards sand Pearl. The two fused together to make a bigger sand person, which I assumed was Opal.

My eyes grew wide, as Amethyst stomped on the sand person and Steven kept asking questions. Two gems fusing into another gem? I looked at Pearl, "Is Opal a whole other Gem?"

"Yes," she said, "Opal is an amalgam of Amethyst and I's combined magical and physical attributes fused into a single entity."

I sat there, looking at the sand. If gems fuse to make more powerful gems, could half gems fuse? And if they did, what would they turn out to be? And how could it be one new person created from two people? I shook my head; I need to stop thinking too deep about these questions. All I needed to know was that fusion was a way for two gems to become one new gem to become more powerful when needed. Just then, a blue light flashed from the house and I smiled; Garnet's back.

Steven jumped up and ran towards the house, with Amethyst following close behind. I got up and Pearl patted me on the back. "I must say, your coming along quiet well in your studies of your gem," she said, smiling.

I smiled, "I've been really putting my foot down so i could learn more about my mom." She smiled and walked towards the beach house. I started walking when a pair of hands covered my eyes. "Guess who?" I heard. I obviously knew who it was, but I decided to fake guess.

"Hmm, is it Steven?"





"No. Man you suck at this."

"Oh! Pearl!"

He sighed and removed his hands. Circo stood in front of me smiling. "You were faking it weren't you?" he asked. I smiled, "What do you think?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. You can be a space cadet at times."

I punched him in the shoulder and ran towards the house. He ran after me and we reached the door, panting. I looked up and saw Garnet. She smiled, "Hello Luna."

"Garnet!" I said. I ran to her and gave her a hug. I freeze up, realizing what I just did and backed up, feeling embarrassed. "H-how are you?" I asked, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

She giggled, "I'm okay. I heard that you nearly have control over your water abilities?"

I nodded, and she smiled, "That's good, because Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven need you on their mission."

"Cool!" I said. Circo seemed to be upset by this, "I've been practicing on my heat abilities. I don't get any burns from extreme heat!"

"Then you can come with me then," Garnet said, "We're going swimming in lava."

My stomach seemed to drop. I looked at Circo; he seemed unfazed by this. But when he looked at me, he patted me on the shoulder. "I'll be fine. Unlike you, I can with stand the heat." I rolled my eyes, and walked over to the warp pad with Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven. Steven cheered and I gave him a high five. I looked at Garnet, "Circo missed the fusion lesson today."

"Lesson?" Circo said, confused.

"It wasn't really a lesson, but you missed something important of what gems are."

"Don't worry," Garnet said. She slung her shoulder over Circo's shoulder and smiled, "I'm pretty good at explaining what fusion is."

I smiled; Garnet is a pretty good teacher. Circo smiled, and said, "We'll see you back from the mission."

"Okay," Steven and I said, as the warp pad started to glow.

"Steven, Luna, keep the Harmony," Garnet said.

"Don't worry," said Steven as the warp pad's glow grew brighter, "Today's going to be all about HAR-MON-"

The warp pad glowed bright and for a split second Steven and I were floating. Then the warp pad stopped glowing and we landed on the warp pad, hard.

I moaned, as Steven got off of me. I looked and gasped. We seemed to be in high in the mountains...somewhere. The clouds were floating by some of them and I could tell there was a lot of moisture up in the air here. I smiled; Garnet knew my environment well. I then noticed that Pearl and Amethyst weren't looking at each other. I looked at Steven, who seemed to get my message.

This was going to be a lot harder to get everybody to harmonize then Garnet probably thought.


Well, here's the new chapter! Hope you guys liked it and I'll try to update ASAP. :)

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