"I have noticed," I protested, "It's just I didn't know who it was doing it."

"Well, your welcome."

We stood there in silence for a minute, before he cleared his throat. "Well, if your heading up to the cave, mind if I join you?" I nodded, and we both started walking up the hill. I glanced at him, curious. "So, are you a gem as well?"

"Yeah, I am," he said, casually.

"What kind?"

He stopped and raised the hem of his shirt a little. On his right hip was a gem that was a bright, fiery red color. It was about as big as mine, and it shined as the sun reflected off of it. "Wow," I said, "It's a sun stone."

He smiled, "Opposites then are we? Since your gem is a moon stone."

"Well, you don't know if were complete opposites."

"Are you saying we're not?"

"Well, not entire the same. But we may have some things in common."

He laughed and we continued walking, his hands in his pockets, "Really? How so?"

"Well, we're both gems."

He nodded, "true. but your gem is a moonstone, and mine is a sun stone."

"Just because the sun and moon are opposite doesn't mean they can't be together?" I mentally did a face palm. That came out wrong. I glanced and saw that Circo was looking at me curious, the corners of his mouth turned up in a slight smile. "That's not what I meant," I said quickly. "What I meant is that since even though the sun is the opposite of the moon and they're not always together, doesn't mean they can't be friends."

"I knew what you meant," he said, obviously trying not to laugh, but failing. I rolled my eyes and soon enough, we've reached the cave. I walked over to the wall, looking for the dent for my gem. I found the dent, and placed my gem in it. The moon on the wall started to glow, and there was a bright light. When the light faded, the wall was gone, to show the cave entrance. I looked over my shoulder at Circo, who smiled in return. "Shall we?" he said, offering his arm

I smirked at his obvious humor. But I walked on ahead, with him close behind. The cave went straight, growing darker and darker the further we went back. "We should get back," Circo said, "It would be better if we had a flashlight."

"Yeah," I said nodding. I took another step, saying, "How far does this cave-"

But my foot slipped, and I started to slide down a slope. "GO!" I screamed, as I slid down the slope. "Luna!" I heard as I fell. I heard the sound of rocks sliding, and knew that either Circo fell, or he's following me. But because of him being above me the rocks kept hitting me. Suddenly, the slope, came to a halt, and I tumbled. Once I stopped, I went to stand up, but was slammed into by Circo. We tumbled until we finally stopped. I shook my head, trying to make it stop spinning, or was that my vision? I felt hands under my arms lifting me up. Once I was on my feet, I turned to Circo. Although I couldn't see him, I knew he was there.

"Thanks," I said, dusting dirt off of myself.

"Next time, don't go falling down slopes," he said.

I started walking to my right, "That wasn't my fault! I didn't see until it was-" But my foot didn't land on ground, and I fell into something cold and wet. Liquid filled my lungs, and I gasped, breathing it in. I started choking on it; what the heck was this?! Just then, a soft blue glow started to fill the liquid I was in. Something grabbed my arms and pulled me up and out. I laid on the ground gasping and coughing. Circo helped me sit up and said, "See? What did I just tell you?!"

But I wasn't paying attention to him. I was paying attention to the pool of water. It was glowing a blue color, the same color as my gem. The glow grew brighter until the light filled the entire cave. We looked around and we gasped. The ceiling was covered in polished white stone, making the light reflect and glow brighter. All around, the light grew to where it was as bright as daylight. The slope that we slid down was actually in between two sets of stairs on either side of it. The pool of water was in the center of the room, which was large and circular. All along the walls, were various items and furniture. Across from us, was an entrance to another circular room that looked like a bed room. The furniture along the walls were old and some of them broken. There was a table with a couple chairs that was still in tact. However, the mirror and couch were broken. The pool in the center was outlined with white tiles, each with a picture of the moon in the different phases of it's cycle. The tile with a half moon was glowing softly.

Child of the Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن