The Cheeseburger...what?

Start from the beginning

"Well, just keep it away." I wiped my hand on my skirt, trying to get rid of the sudden power feeling.

"This is perfect!" said Steven, as he pulled out what looked like a cheeseburger but was a backpack. I only gave Steven a confused look as Pearl asked what it was. Steven explained how he can use it to help on today's mission. Pearl sighed, "Alright." She took the statue from Garnet, making sure all the while it wasn't in direct sight with my gem, and gave it to Steven. I had to curl my hand so that it wouldn't go crazy.

Steven ran around the house, gathering supplies. I turned to Pearl, "So, if Steven's going, can I come too?" Pearl seemed to hesitate, but after a quick glance at Garnet, who nod in return, she replied, "Alright." I pumped my fist in the air, and ran towards the warp pad. I stood there, excited as Steven came running up to us. He stood next to me, his backpack squishing me into Amethyst.

"Let's warp," said Garnet, and a beam of blue light enveloped us. Well, most of us. "Suck it in!" said Amethyst, as Steven's stomach was poking out a little. He took in a deep breath and then we official warped. I didn't feel the ground beneath my feet and felt myself floating. "Whoa!" I said, starting to flip along with Steven. We both started laughing, as Pearl was trying to get us back straight. Garnet pulled Steven back into the warp stream, and I straightened myself out in time. We warped to the place, and I managed to land on my feet. Steven wasn't so fortune, but he didn't notice it was we all gasped at the sight of the spire.

The spire was a long cylinder like temple, floating in the middle of the ocean, the water making a huge ring around the floating temple. However, the temple didn't look like to be in the best shape. As we looked, a piece of it broke off and fell. Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven were talking, but I was too distracted. There was something about this place that made me I was home.

"Luna!" I heard. I jerked and looked over my shoulder; it was Garnet. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, "It's just....this place feels like home. And..." I took a look at my gem and, although it wasn't glowing, I could feel a atmosphere of power surrounding me and my gem. Garnet seemed to be looking because her grip on my shoulder tightened and she said, "I think you may be coming more into your powers."

I looked at her, confused, "What other powers do I have?!"

But Garnet ignored my question, "We need to move." We started walking towards the spire, but we stopped when we reached the edge of a cliff. I glanced over and saw a huge whirlpool at the bottom of the floating spire. yikes.

"What's the hold up?" Amethyst asked, "We can totally clear this jump."

"No," said Garnet, "The magic that sustains the whirlpool creates a vortex that will pull us if were not careful." As she said this, she picked up a rock, and dropped it over the edge. It suspended in midair for a second, before get sucked down into the water. I then noticed Steven pulling out the sweaters he had packed. "Steven," I asked, "What are you doing?"

"Sweaters could be used to keep us warm," he said, trying the sleeves together. He tightened the knot, and said, "But check this out."

He threw one end of the sweaters at the spire, which caught and stayed at one of the ledges. He looked at me, "Come on!" I looked at him nervous, but I wrapped my hands around his waist, putting my faith in this kid. He took a deep breath, and before I knew it, we had jumped over the edge. We heard the gems call our names, but at that moment, the vortex had pulled us both down, and I was clinging to Steven for dear life. Steven was pulling as hard as he could on the sweaters, but he was having difficulty with my added weight.

"Oh man, oh man," I said, feeling my grip slipping. Steven was trying, but I knew if we didn't think of something quick, I was going down the drain. Just then, I felt that same surge of energy coming from the vortex, trying to pull me down. For a second, a crazy thought entered my mind. I concentrated on the power coming from the water, and thought, 'stop.'

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