Bonus: Highschoolers (Jungsoo Edition)

Start from the beginning

"What's up? You seem down," Jihyun asked and I shook my head, "It's nothing."

"Stop being difficult and tell us," Jihu pushed and I mumbled, "Appa yelled at me this morning."

By saying that, Jihu and Jihyun nodded quietly before we all walked to our first class. I sat down and put my head on the table.

"Jungs- Oh? Is he okay?"

I heard Taemi ask and Jihyun answer with a "Not sure."

The bell rang and I kept my head down the whole class. As I was about to leave, Ms. Choi stopped me, "Are you okay?"

I nodded and she handed me a folder, "I won't give you detention but here are the notes for class, get someone to help you."

"Thank you, Ms. Choi," I bowed before putting the folder into my backpack and leaving the room.

Jihu and Jihyun walked up to me and we all headed to the canteen to get a snack. I got a bottle of water and some bread since I wasn't that hungry.

"Taemi seemed worried," Jihyun started and I looked over at him while blushing, "R-Really?"

"Yah! You're totally into her!" Jihu teased and I rolled my eyes, "Shut up."

Jihu playfully winked before walking off to his girlfriend. Damn, I can't believe he actually got together with Hosook. I shook my head before turning to Jihyun.

"You're not gonna leave me for a girl too, are you?" I asked hopefully and he nervously laughed, "Well..."


I turned around to see Micha walking up to us.

"Don't you have school today?" I asked the middle schooler and she shook her head, "We have a day off and Oppa promised he would help me with my homework!"

I watched as Jihyun told Micha to wait for him by the school gates before turning to me, "Don't tell my dad I'm skipping."

"Yeah yeah," I scrunched up my nose as I watched Jihyun leave. We had a few more minutes of lunch left and I didn't know what to do. I sighed then went to my locker before aimlessly digging through it trying to pass time.

"Jungsoo Oppa!"

I cringed when I felt a hand rubbing my arm before turning to face the snake. Yes, a snake. I've been spending a lot of time with Hobi samchon.

"What is it Sora?" I asked through gritted teeth and she sweetly smiled before dragging a finger down my chest, "The anatomy classroom is empty, maybe we can learn about each other's bo-"


I felt something warm press on my cheek and I looked at Taemi. My eyes widened when she hooked her arm into mine, "What took you so long? I was waiting for you!"

"Umm, Sora wanted to talk," I softly said and Taemi smiled at Sora, "Oh? I didn't see you there! Do you mind if I steal him?"

Sora shook her head slowly making Taemi bow and drag me away from the scene. She dragged me into the empty anatomy classroom and a smirk showed up on my face.

"Do you wan-"

"No, I don't want to learn about each other's bodies," Taemi deadpanned and I blinked, "I-I was going to ask if you wanted to ditch school and get some ice cream?"

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