Chapter 22

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Jimin's P.O.V. (Walking to the park / I so didn't make this Jimin's P.O.V. cause his last name is Park...)

Jungkook and I were walking down the street headed towards the park. I looked over my right shoulder to see Jungkook slowing down and sulking.

"YAH, why are you so slow?" I asked as I slowed down my steps so he could catch up. He raised an eyebrow and looked at me, "You think I want to see her?"

I nodded understanding, and we continued to walk to the park. After a few minutes of silent walking, we reached the park and looked around for Ara. I saw her sitting on a bench talking on the phone, and I nudged Jungkook. We both slowly walked towards her and overheard her conversation.

Wow, I guess this will be easier than we thought. I quickly turn my phone on and start recording.

"Yeah, I'm only using Jungkook for his money."
"Maybe I'll do it."
"I don't give a fuck if I get arrested, I'll escape again. I will kill Jisoo."

My eyes widened, and I looked over at Jungkook. He was clenching his fists while his face slowly turned red. I looked back towards Ara after silently calming Jungkook down.

"Hey Ara," I said and gave a fake smile. She quickly turned around while hanging up then smiled at us, "Oh Oppa! When did you get here?"

I rolled my eyes as she ignored me and talked to Jungkook. I took this as a chance to pull out my phone and stop the recording then send it to Hobi hyung.

Jiminie *video sent*

Jiminie: I got it hyung

Hobi hyung: Good job Jimin, finally you're good at something other than being short

I quietly cursed at my phone then put it away. Looking up, I see Ara trying to drag Jungkook off of the bench he was sitting on. Jungkook being Jungkook, used all his power to stay on the bench.

I lightly laughed then shook my head then walked over to them pushing Ara out of the way. She glared at me, and I sweetly smiled then sat next to Jungkook.

"Oppaaa, let's go!" Ara whined, and Jungkook lightly rolled his eyes before replying, "I'm tired Ara, let's sit for a while."

Ara pouted, and I cringed as she did aegyo, "But Oppa!"

I looked over at Jungkook and almost laughed at his face. Looking at him, anyone could tell that he was annoyed. Apparently not Ara.

"I just had to practice Ara, I'm really tired," Jungkook said, and I looked at him. Practice? The little shit woke up less than an hour ago. Well damn. Ara pouted again then walked away, and I sighed. This is going to be tough.

Hobi's P.O.V. (After Sejun joined them)

I looked at Jisoo going through some clothes then walked closer to Sejun. He saw me then walked away from Jisoo and towards me.

"Did they get it yet?" Sejun asked, and I shrugged, "I don't know. They said that either one of them would text me."

Sejun nodded, and I looked back over at Jisoo. She was crouched down in front of a little girl and was talking to her. I smiled and nudged Sejun. He looked at her and smiled then looked back at me.

"Noona would be a great mom," Sejun said, and I laughed, "Yeah she would, and Jisoo's older than you?"

Sejun nodded, "Jisoo's about four days older than me."

I nodded and was about to ask some more questions until my phone buzzed. Sejun's eyes widened, and he looked at my phone screen when I pulled it out.

Min Yoongi's Sister || J.JK ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon