Chapter 21

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Jungkook's P.O.V. (The next afternoon)

I woke up and sighed when I realized Jisoo wasn't next to me. I looked over at my clock and rubbed my eyes. I slept in.

Slowly getting out of bed I grabbed my phone and groaned when I saw I had four texts from Ara.

Ara: Jungkook oppa?

Ara: Do you want to hang out today?

Ara: Oppa?

Ara: Text me

Jungkook: Sure, but later, I have practice

Ara: Of course!

I rolled my eyes then shook my head. Wow, I need to stop being so fucking stupid. I bit my lip and thought for a while.

Yoongi hyung definitely won't talk to me, neither will Taehyung. Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung are ignoring me... Maybe Jimin or Hobi hyung? Slowly shaking my head, I texted both of them.

Jungkook: I need your help

Jimin: What

Hobi hyung: Why should I help you?

Jungkook: Sejun and I have a plan

Jimin: Who?

Hobi hyung: If it's not a plan to get Jisoo back, I'm not helping

I softly smiled then explained everything to them. They both agreed and said they were going to try and get the rest of the members to join them. I heard a knock on my door, and I slightly tilted my head in confusion.

I got up then opened my door and stared at Jimin and Hobi hyung. They both came in, Jimin made himself comfortable on my bed, and Hobi hyung grabbed Jisoo's phone and some of her clothes.

"I'm going to go wake Jisoo up, and Jimin is going to hang out with you and Ara," Hobi hyung said then walked over towards the door, "I talked to Sejun, and I'm going with them."

"But wouldn't Jisoo be heartbroken if you came with me?" I asked Jimin, and he sighed, "This is the only way I can make sure that Jisoo doesn't misunderstand anymore than she already is. I know she'll probably be sad that I'm hanging out with the bitch. But what if Ara kissed you? That would make things worse."

I slowly nodded and was about to ask Hobi hyung something until I realized he was already gone. I bit my lip and walked over to my bags and pulled out a lazy outfit. Black shirt and black sweats.

Jimin looked at me amused and raised an eyebrow, "What's with all the black?"

I shrugged and changed then grabbed my sunglasses and a mask. Walking over to the door, I put on my shoes then put a beanie on my hair. I looked over at Jimin then threw him an extra mask.

Jungkook: Jimin is coming with, meet us at the park

I didn't even bother checking her reply before Jimin and I left my hotel room, and slowly headed towards the park.

Jisoo's P.O.V. (Afternoon/A little after Jungkook's)

I woke up when I heard Yoongi oppa groan. Slowly opening my eyes, I see Hobi oppa trying to pull Yoongi oppa and me apart. I let out a little laugh then sat up.

"Oh, Jisoo! You're awake! I've been trying to walk up this grandpa for the past 10 minutes!" Hobi oppa whined, and I laughed, "It's okay, I'll do it."

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