Chapter 30

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Jisoo's P.O.V.



I groaned and rolled out of bed onto the floor. Slowly sitting up, I rubbed my eyes while pouting. Ouch, my ass hurts. I sighed and got up looking towards the bed to see Jungkook still sleeping. I shook my head and grabbed the clothes I left out last night then headed to the bathroom. After doing my business, I put on my gray sweats and matching gray cropped hoodie. I walked out of the bathroom and went towards the bed.

"YAH! Jungkook, get up!" I pushed Jungkook but he still wouldn't get up and I groaned, "Jin oppa is going to get mad at us!"

Jungkook opened one of his eyes and looked at me then closed them again. I pouted and pull the blanket away from him then poked him. After a few minutes, I was about to give up trying to call him until I felt his grip on my wrist. My eyes widened when he pulled me down on the bed and then wrapped his arms around me.

"5 more minutes..." Jungkook groaned and I sighed, "If Jin oppa barges in, I'm not going to protect you."

Jungkook didn't respond and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I softly smiled when I felt his breath tickle my neck, "Kookie stop."

"No," Jungkook whispered and pulled me closer if that was even possible. I pouted and tried to get up but stopped when I realized I wasn't going to be able to escape, at least not in this lifetime. I looked down at Jungkook's face and laughed when I saw his puffy cheeks. I poked his cheek and he opened his eyes then glared at me, "Jisoo."

"What? You're cute!" I smiled and poked his cheek again. Whoops, wrong move. Jungkook flipped so he was hovering on top of me with his elbows supporting his weight and my eyes widened, "J-Jungkoo-"

"I'm not cute," Jungkook interrupted me and started to lean in. He was about to kiss me until the door slammed open, he quickly rolled off of me and fell off the bed onto the ground. I looked towards the hotel room door and smile cheekily at Jin oppa.

"Where's Jungkook?" He asked and I smiled, "He's in the bathroom, we'll be out in a few minutes."

Jin oppa nodded then closed the door and I looked to Jungkook. He slowly got up from the ground then smirked, "I thought you weren't going to protect me? Good choice baby."

I rolled my eyes and pointed over at the couch, "Go put your clothes on, you only have a few minutes."

He quickly kissed my cheek then ran over to grab his clothes. I blushed and he looked back at me to wink before heading to the bathroom. Aish, this idiot... I got up from the bed then quickly fixed it so the staff had less work to do.

"We're matching!" I turned around and Jungkook smiled, "You did this on purpose didn't you?"

I nodded then grabbed our phones and walked towards the door. Our bags weren't there so Jin oppa most likely already took them. Jungkook walked towards me and I handed him his phone. We walked out of our hotel room and down into the lobby to see the rest of the members waiting for us. Jungkook returned the key cards to the front desk and we both walked over to where the rest of the members were standing.

"Okay, everyone has everything?" Joonie oppa asked and we all nodded. Jin oppa looked at Joonie oppa, "Do you have your passport?"

Joonie oppa nodded and everyone let out a sigh of relief. I held in a laugh when he looked offended. We were about to leave the hotel until I remembered something.

"Wait!" Everyone looked at me and I ran over to where my backpack was then opened it. I pulled out 8 masks and handed them to each of the members keeping one for myself.

"Thanks, Jisoo," Jimin oppa said and I nodded. I turned towards Jungkook and saw him looking at me with his eyebrow raised. I just smiled at him then walked over to Tae oppa and linked my arms with him. He used his free hand to ruffle my hair and I pouted, "Oppa! Why?"

"Because I can," He stuck his tongue out at me and I pulled away from him then walked back to Jungkook.

He smiled at me then used his hands to smooth down my hair. He put his hand out in front of me and I looked at him confused, "What?"

"Do you have hair ties?" Jungkook asked and I gave him the two I had on my wrist. He took them then put them on his wrist, "I'll do your hair for you when we get on the plane."

I smiled and nodded, "Sounds good!"

"Wah, what has your sister done to our evil Jungkook?" I turned around to see Hobi oppa ask Yoongi oppa. Yoongi oppa looked over at me and smiled proudly, "He's gone soft."

"I have not!" Jungkook whined and I gave him a pat on the shoulder making him look down at me, "Kookie, you have."

Jungkook glared at me and I quickly gave him a peck on the lips then ran out of the hotel into the car waiting for us. I could hear all the members screaming and I laughed. After a few seconds, the members piled in the car one by one. Except for Jin oppa, I think he was putting our bags in the car? Poor Oppa, oh well. After we all got in the car, we started heading to the airport.

Time skip to getting on the plane

I got comfortable in my seat and looked around to see where everyone else was sitting. On my left, were Jin and Yoongi oppa. Then it was Jungkook, me in the middle, and Tae oppa on my right. Next to Tae oppa was Jimin and Joonie oppa. In front of Jimin and Joonie oppa, Hobi oppa was sitting alone with another girl beside him.

 In front of Jimin and Joonie oppa, Hobi oppa was sitting alone with another girl beside him

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After going over the safety procedures, we took off. The seatbelt sign turned off once we were stable in the air after about a few minutes. I felt someone tap my arm from my left and I looked at Jungkook before asking, "What is it?"

He showed me the hair ties that were on his wrist and motioned me to turn and face Tae oppa. I slowly turned towards Tae oppa to see him watching cartoons on the little screen in front of him. He realized I was facing him when the episode ended then looked between me and the screen a few times before giving me his full attention.

"Jungkook's doing your hair now?" He asked quietly and I nodded. Jungkook gave me a slight tap on the shoulder a few minutes into our conversation and I turned towards him making Tae oppa go back to his cartoons. He handed me his phone and I smiled once I saw the picture of my hair. I gave him his phone back then kissed his cheek, "When did you learn how to do dutch braids?"

Jungkook shrugged, "I just kind of did random stuff."

I shook my head in disbelief, "So this is why you're called the golden maknae."

"I'm your golden maknae," He winked and I scrunched my nose up then turned to Tae oppa making him look away from his cartoons, "Help, Jungkook is being cringey again."


A/N: Sorry for the delay on this chapter! But I promised someone it would be out today, so here it is! (It's actually 11:53 pm and I was gonna wait til tmrw but I don't break promises!). Anyways, thank you so much for 18K+ and all of the votes!! Cringey Jungkook is back :) Speaking of Jungkook, NAMJOON ACCIDENTALLY RIPPING HIS SHIRT FOR INKIGAYO... I LOVE NAMJOON. Okay, see ya in the next chapter!

Word count: 1277 (not counting the author's note)

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