Chapter 42

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Jisoo's P.O.V.

"For what?" Jungkook asked and I smiled, "Just everything."

Jungkook stayed silent so I pulled away then said, "I'll be in your room."

I walked upstairs into Jungkook's room then looked at the bag I didn't notice before. Someone must've brought it up. I opened it to see some of my things, comfy clothes, and a shopping bag. I furrowed my eyebrows then took out the bag reading the note attached to it.

I managed to sneak in some of your new clothes! Don't worry, there's more for when I come to Busan! - Riri :)

I shook my head then opened the bag and smiled when I saw what was inside. Wow, she got me like 3 whole new outfits... There's more?!?!

"What's that?"

I turned around to see Jungkook leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I motioned him to come closer so he did and sat down on the floor next to me.

"Riri bought me some new clothes," I smiled and showed Jungkook. He looked at them then nodded, "You know, you can pair that with that. Then maybe that shirt with those, and then use that in all of the outfits."

I looked at what Jungkook was saying and my eyes widened, "Why do you even need stylists?"

Jungkook shrugged then smirked, "I'm amazing I know."

I pouted then hit his arm, "Stop being a cocky little shit."

"Did you just call me a cocky little shit?" Jungkook asked and I was about to answer before someone came in the room.

"Jeon Jungkook, if I hear you swear one more time," Jin oppa scolded making Jungkook scoff, "Jisoo cursed but you didn't say anything!"

"That's because he loves me," I mumbled loud enough for Jungkook to hear but was shocked by what Jin oppa said.

"That's because she's gone too far, I can't help her anymore Jungkook," Jin oppa said making me and Jungkook look at him with a straight face before all 3 of us burst into laughter.

"Okay, enough. Get some sleep," Jin oppa said in between his windshield wiper laugh as he left the room.

I put the clothes Riri bought for me back in the bag then pulled out a loose t-shirt and some leggings to change into. I put my bag away then waited for Jungkook to get out of the bathroom. Once he was out, I went in to do my business. I grabbed a hair tie then looked at it thinking for a few seconds. Do I really want to tie my hair? Nah, I'm too lazy... I sighed then put it on my wrist then walked out of the bathroom. I sat down on the bed and Jungkook looked up from his phone.

"Give me your hair tie," Jungkook said sitting up and I gave it to him, "Now turn around."

I sat facing the door as Jungkook did my hair. After I few minutes, I could feel that he was done and he was just playing with my hair.

"Your hair is getting long," Jungkook mumbled while twirling the end of my hair. I pulled the braid he did to the front and saw that he was right, my hair was almost to my waist. (Pfftt, the last time my hair was that long, was 8 years ago.)

"Maybe I should cut it," I said making Jungkook yell, "NO!"

I looked at him while raising an eyebrow and his ears started turning red, "I-I mean, you can do whatever you want. It's your hair."

"But if you like it long, I'll keep it. I would still have to get a trim though," I said making Jungkook smile, "Really?"

I nodded and his smile widened showing his bunny teeth. I involuntarily smiled wider making Jungkook stare at me. After a few minutes of him looking at me, I blinked then looked away. I felt his hand turn my face back so I was looking at him again.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head, "Nothing, you're just so beautiful."

I blushed and moved his hand from my face then laid down, stuffing my face into the pillow. I heard Jungkook laugh before he laid down next to me and wrap an arm around me, "Goodnight, I love you."

"I love you too."

Time skip to the morning (Still Jisoo's P.O.V.)

"Jisoo! Come down and help Eomma please!"

I sighed while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes then sat up. I moved Jungkook's arm off of me slowly then walked downstairs.

"Morning Jisoo-ah," Eomma smiled and I smiled back, "Good morning, what do you need help with?"

"I need you to wake up Jungkook and the rest of Bangtan, oh and Junghyun too!" Eomma said and I saluted to her, "Yes Ma'am."

She playfully hit me with the spoon she was holding before lightly pushing me back up the stairs. I walked to Junghyun oppa's room then knocked.

"Oppa! Time to wake up!" I moved onto one of the guest rooms when I heard a mumble.

I opened the door to see Jin oppa, Yoongi oppa, and Hobi oppa all squished on the bed. I took a deep breath then pulled Yoongi oppa off the bed.

"Fucking hell, what bitch wo- Oh Jisoo, it's you," He stopped cursing under his breath when he looked up at me. I rolled my eyes then looked over at Jin oppa in the middle. I leaned over Yoongi oppa's spot to whisper 'food' into Jin oppa's ear.

"I'll be right there," Jin oppa groaned making me smile. I walked to the other side of the bed then poked Hobi oppa, "Oppaaa!"

He groaned then turned over facing Jin oppa who was sitting up. I sighed and grabbed his arm then used the same method I did to Oppa, by pulling him off the bed.

"Aish, you're lucky I love you Jisoo," Hobi oppa groaned and I smiled before heading out of the room and into another room to see 3 of the other members. Namjoon oppa wasn't in the room so I assumed he was in the bathroom. I looked over to the bed to see Jimin oppa sleeping soundly and Tae oppa almost falling off the bed. I walked over to the bed then slowly climbed on top of it.

"JIMIN OPPA! TAE OPPA! WAKE UP!!" I yelled while jumping up and down. (Music, start! *plays Up and Down by EXID*)

"WE'RE UP WOMAN! NOW LEAVE BEFORE JIMINIE GETS REALLY ANGRY AND YOU DIE!" Tae oppa yelled back making Jimin even angrier, "Both of you shut up before I kill the both of you."

I jumped off the bed and out of the room. I've never witnessed a mad Jimin, and I don't think I want to... I walked into Jungkook's room and scoffed.

"What the hell? Are you still asleep even through all of that yelling? Like, are you even alive? Maybe you die when you sleep. Is that even possible? Jeon Jungkook is an idiot, Jeon Jungkook is an idiot, Jeon Jungkook is an idiot, Jeon Jungkook is-"

"An idiot, I get it, babe," Jungkook groaned and I pouted, "You didn't let me finish my sentence!"

"Okay fine, what were you going to say?" Jungkook asked and I smiled cheekily, "Jeon Jungkook is an idiot."




A/N: Please keep Tae's family in your thoughts and prayers as they are going through a rough time... Purple hearts for everyone, my PMs are always open 💜💜

I felt like it was getting boring so I made a weird filler chapter. I had this pre written from like 4 am a few days ago... See ya in the next chapter!!


Word count: 1235 (not counting the author's note)

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