Boy, You'd Better Do It Soon | Peter Parker [TH]

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By the time you got to the bus stop, you were drenched. There was a cluster of people waiting already. You put your hands in your pockets and prepared to shiver until the bus pulled up.

The sound of the rain hitting your raincoat was loud in your ears. You sighed heavily and shifted on your feet, grimacing at the sound of water squishing out of your socks. There would be no break from being miserable today.

"Watch it, kid!"

At the same time those words were spoken, someone shoved you for the third time in one day. You nearly toppled forward, only to be stopped by a hand that shot out and stabled you.

You turned around, seeing the hand on the back of your raincoat belonging to a young boy. The boy had his head turned towards the man that was barreling through the crowd; the same man that had knocked you off the curb.

Understanding what had happened, you shrugged. "That guy has been in a hurry all day. You're not the first victim," you said.

The boy's head shot up at your voice. He looked at you and his fingers released the back of your raincoat.

Shaking your head, you lifted your eyes up from the man that was pushing his way through the neighborhood to the boy.

When you looked at his eyes, you could have sworn that nothing had ever looked warmer.

They were a brown so rich that they could be compared to medium roast coffee. Wide and gleaming, the whites of his eyes swam in glistening tears that sparked a flame inside of your chest and set your entire body on fire.

At the same time his eyes flickered around your face, yours did to him. You took in every freckle, every dimple, every line on his soft lips and every crinkle at the edge of his eyes. His skin was a creamy white and his hair was a rich brown like his eyes.

He was absolutely gorgeous, and you knew right them and there that he was your soulmate.

You could feel it in the tips of your fingers and the hairs on your arms. You were electrified, awake, aware, and alive. He had brought something to life.

No longer did you hear the sound of the rain smacking against your raincoat or see the grey fog around the grey buildings of the grey city you lived in.

Everything was colorful and all of that color was inside of him.

"It's you," you breathed without thinking.

He nodded slowly. "A-and it's you."

You think you stepped closer, because his eyes were suddenly right in front of your face. You blinked at him, waiting for him to disappear and for the dream to be over.

"I can't believe I found you," you said.

He shook his head. "I can't believe you're so pretty," he said back. "Ned is gonna lose it."

You were still lost in his eyes. "I... have no idea who that is."

Appalled and amused by the direction of the conversation, your cheeks flamed red and so did his. You laughed, all teeth and closed eyes, feeling the rain drip from your eyelashes to your nose.

He chuckled nervously. The sound was prettier than any song you had ever heard.

You tucked a strand of soppy hair behind your ear. "Can you tell me your name?" you asked.

He swallowed thickly. "It's Peter."

"Peter," you said, and the sound of your voice saying it sent his heart into a frenzy. "Peter. I'm... ___."

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