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We gathered outside as Voldemort and his army approached the school. Hagrid was with them, held captive and forced to carry something. Or someone. "Harry Potter..." Voldemort shouted for all to hear. "Is dead!!"

"No! Nooo!!!" Ginny yelled. Arthur grabbed onto her, pulling her back as Voldemort shot a silencing spell at her, creating a wave of noise.

"Silence!" He shouted at her. "Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me." Silence fell hard on the Hogwarts side of the crowd. Sorrow filled us all. Voldemort turned to his followers and said, "Harry Potter is dead!" Every last one of the Death Eaters laughed, and so did Voldemort. "And now is the time to declare yourself! Come forward and join us..... Or die."

I felt pain wrench at my heart. George's arm snaked around me, holding me close to him. Both of us were hit hard by those words.

"Draco." Lucius looked to his son. Everyone else turned to face him. Draco looked so scared, terrified, even. "Come on, Draco."

"Draco," His mother Narcissa said, "Come."

Draco gave in and walked towards his parents. Voldemort wrapped him in an awkward side hug and said, "Well done, Draco. Well done." Draco immediately went to join his parents as soon as Voldemort let him go.

George's arm let go of me, but his hand looped into mine. Percy, who stood on my other side, took hold of my other hand. Neville then took a few steps forward, and Hermione shifted her stance in front of us. Not Neville, too.

"Well, I must say I'd hoped for better," Voldemort said, causing another eruption of laughter from his followers. "And who might you be younger man?"

"Neville Longbottom." They laughed againn, especially Bellatrix. I then noticed Neville was holding the tattered sorting hat.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks-"

"I'd like to say somefing," Neville interrupted, causing Voldemort to have to compose himself.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say," Voldemort said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He allowed Neville to speak anyways.

"It spent matter that Harry's gone-"

"Stand down Neville," Seamus said.

"People die ever day," Neville took back his stand, turning to look at all of us. "Friends. Family. Yeah. We lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here," His hand reached his ribcage, but he meant to reach his heart. "So's Fred," George and I both looked down, then at each other. "Remus. Tonks. All of them," He friend back around to face Voldemort and his followers. "They didn't die in vain. But you will. Cause you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us! And it's not over!"

Neville pulled the Sword of Gryffindor out of the hat and pointed it at Voldemort. At that moment, Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms, causing Voldemort to step back. "Confringo!" Harry shot fire at Nagini and ran off.

Hope shot through everyone watching. Voldemort shouted as he fired flames at Harry as he ran away, Death Eaters beginning to disapperate and fly away. Lucius ran off with Draco and Narcissa, like the coward he is. Percy let go of my hand and ran to help fend off the Death Eaters, but George kept his grip on me, leading me off to somewhere. We both shot spells at the Death Eater all around us, making our way through the crowd of people swarming the school.

I spotted Augustus Rookwood. Anger filled me from my head to my toes. I aimed my wand at him and let go of George's hand. He stopped in his tracks, knowing exactly who it was too. "CRUCIO!!" I yelled, causing Rookwood to fall to the floor in pain. I approached him with even more anger. "You killed him! You're a murderer! My child is fatherless now because of you!!! Crucio!"

"Liz! Let him go!" George yelled. "We need to get it of here!"

"He killed Fred!" I yelled back, not turning away as I watched Rookwood in pain. "He killed him!"

"I know! But you're gonna get yourself killed if you stay here!!" George grabbed my hand again and tried to pull me away. I moved somewhat, but I didn't want to.


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