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"Professor, we need your help," Fred said as we entered Headmaster Dumbledore's office. The three of us walked in as Dumbledore came over to greet us.

"What can I do you for?" Dumbledore asked.

"Draco Malfoy Obliviated Elizabeth, and we need to help restore her memories of us," George finished.

"Oh, I see. Faux," Dumbledore turned to his phoenix momentarily. "Get Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape up here. I need to speak with them." Faux squaked and flew down the stairs to find our professors. "Now, what is it that Malfoy took away?"

"My memories of these two," I finally spoke up. "I remember most everything else, I just have no recollection of Weasley twins."

"Alright. Well, if you are seeking the pensieve, it is over there in the corner," Dumbledore pointed to a disk shaped object with a silvery liquid in it. Fred and George led me over to it, having me stand closest to it.

"Where do we start?" George asked.

"The beginning." Fred extracted a copy of a memory of his and cast it down into the pensieve. "Take a look."

I stuck my head into the liquid and watched Fred's memory.


Watching from the third person, I saw two young, redhead twins with trolleys in King's Cross Station, looking at something. "Come on boys," A redhead woman said. I recognized her as Mrs. Weasley, Ron's mom. "Time to go. The train is leaving soon."

The twins ran through the wall, followed by Ron's dad, Arthur. Molly waited for a moment, then a small voice I recognized as my own called to her. "Excuse me? Excuse me miss? How do you...?"

"How do you get onto the platform?" Molly asked with a smile. I nodded. "Why, simply just run at the wall, deary. Want me to go with you?"

"That would be most helpful," Little me replied. Molly took hold of my trolley with one hand and ran through to the platform with me. On the other side, I found myself staring at a massive maroon coloured train, the words HOGWARTS EXPRESS written on the side of it. "Thank you."

"What's your name?" Molly asked me.

"I'm Elizabeth. Elizabeth Baker." I smiled again.

"How lovely to meet you, Elizabeth. These are my sons, Bill, my oldest, Charlie, second oldest, Percy, then Fred and George, the twins. They must be in your year too, the twins."

Fred then whispered to his brother, which I presumably didn't originally hear when I was there, "George, she is so pretty."

"I know," George whispered back.

We all hopped on the train, in search of a place to sit. Eventually, I sat with Fred and George. "So, is this your first year at Hogwarts?" I had asked them.

"Yes," They replied together.

"Same here. What house are you thinking about?" I asked.

"No idea," Fred said. "My whole family is made of Gryffindors, so I suppose we should follow the path, am I right Georgie?"

"Yeah. I mean, the rest of the houses seem boring anyways," George added.

"True," I said. "I have a feeling we're going to be great friends."


I brought my head out of the pensieve, a wave of that memory blasting over me. I remembered that much. But I was still missing five years worth of it.

"Miss Baker," Professor McGonagall said from behind me. I spun around to face her. "May I speak with you in private?" I nodded, following her up the steps to Dumbledore's personal library. "Who did this to you?"

"Did what? Obliviate me? It was Draco Malfoy. On our way back from Hogsmead, according to Fred and George, we had been there all day, and we ran into Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. They began to call me a Mudblood and all these other things, then threatened me. He Obliviated me, then the twins said they brought me back to the Gryffindor common room."

"Thank you, Miss Baker," Professor McGonagall walked back down the steps and spoke with Professor Snape and Headmaster Dumbledore. Fred and George joined me upstairs. I sat down in a big, comfy chair.

"How are you feeling, El?" Fred said, sitting right next to me. He wasn't looking at me, not even facing me with his body. He was facing my right, sadness reeking off of him.

"I don't know.... Confused, I guess. I'm mad at Draco, sad for you two, unsure why I can't remember you, and feeling so much deja vu every time I see your face," I dropped my head into my hands.

"Deja vu? Thays good," Fred faced me. "That means you must remember something. You have to. I know you do. What do I remind you of?"

"I don't know. But there is one detail I can easily pinpoint for you," I told him, looking up into his deep brown eyes.

"And what's that?" George budded in.

"The Quidditch tent. I remember the Quidditch tent, and something having to do with you there." The twins shared a look. Fred smiled a little bit. "Can you take me there?"

Obliviate || Fred Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now