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A week later, and the sliver of I hope I still have is fading. I don't know where I could find her, I've searched everywhere. I know that I will wait for her, though. I know that somehow, somehow, she will find her way back to me. Even after a month, I still believed it. And as the school year neared an end, I still held on. Even though it tore me to bits every night.

Alone is the one thing I couldn't be. If I were left alone, I would cry until my eyes hurt. Until I could cry no more. I missed Elizabeth, after months and months of searching, I found her nowhere. I checked book after book after book of places that she could have gone, people that could have taken her, everything. I've spent all of my free time trying to find her, and everyone says it is consuming me. And I hate to admit it, but it is. I have to find her, I have to.

Today was the final task, in the end of June, nearly the end of the year. It stung, seeing that this bloody tournament kept on going with a student missing. Not just any student, my girlfriend. My source of joy. My..... everything. I keep telling myself that she wouldn't want me to worry over this, but I can't help it. So here I am, sitting on the stands of the tournament, near the maze, waiting for someone to return with the Tri-Wizard Tournament Cup and win. I want them to return with answers. Is she in the maze? Elizabeth, where the bloody hell are you?!?

The sky grew darker, the bands still playing and the Beauxbatons girls still dancing. It never ended. A swishing pop was heard and Harry was lying on the ground, holding a limp Cedric, and the Cup. He was crying. "He's back! He's back! Voldemort's back!" I stood up, Dumbledore and Amos Diggory running down to Harry and Cedric. "He told me to bring his body back! I couldn't leave him!"

Voldemort? Did he have Elizabeth? Did he kill her? No. No he didn't. He couldn't have. Could he? Moody grabbed hold of Harry and took him back to the castle. A few long minutes later, Professor Snape grabbed hold of my shirt collar and dragged me with him and the other professors. We all went into Moody's office and Snape cast a spell at Moody to sit him in a chair. A few things led to others, and Harry and I spotted a familiar looking chest. The one we had seen in the Room of Requirement!

Snape used his wand to unlock and open the chest. Dumbledore looked inside, along with Harry and myself. "Alastor? You alright down there?" Dumbledore called.

"Yeah!" The real Moody replied. The one we thought was Moody was really Barty Crouch Junior, who had been living off polyjuice potions all term. "Get the girl out first!"

I took out my wand and sent light down into the chest. I saw Moody sitting on the floor, thinner and dirty, along with a red haired girl who had also been looking up at us. "FREDDIE?!?"

"ELLIE?!" I called back. My heart flew out of my chest.

"Accendio!" She called out, flying up and out of the chest and into my arms. She hurried herself into a hug, and I held her there, making sure she never left again. Both of us were in tears faster than ever.

"Oh my god! I thought I would never see you again," I told her, burrying my face into her shoulder, having to lean my head all the way down. Then I whispered to her, unable to speak any louder, "I love you so much."

"Fred Weasley, I love you more than you could ever even know."

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