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I had joined Harry in his trip to the Ministry, leaving Fred and George behind, not telling them where I'd be. Harry was looking for Sirius, and I wanted him back too. We made it to the Department of Mysteries, finding the room full of prophecies. Harry ran down the aisles, trying to find the one Sirius had been at in his dream. He found it, but Sirius wasn't there.

Instead, we found a prophecy with Harry's name in it. It spoke to him, saying the words:

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies.... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...."

Death Eaters appeared all around us. "Harry-" I said, getting his attention. Lucius Malfoy appeared before him, along with Bellatrix LeStrange. Lucius wanted the prophecy from Harry, but we weren't giving it up that easily.

We broke away from sight of the Death Eaters, destroying the room and all of the prophecies, and fining ourselves in a dark room with an arch in the center of it. It was quiet, but Harry and Luna heard whispering from inside of it, and saw a waving glow that no one else could. A swarm of black filled the room, all of us being separated from one another, everyone but Harry being grabbed by a Death Eater. The one who had me was holding their wand to my neck. I was afraid, knowing I might die right then and there.

A small white light flew down into the room and Sirius emerged from it. "Step away from my godson." He shot a spell at Lucius, then other members of the Order of the Phoenix appeared, fighting back against the Death Eaters.

Corban Yaxley was the Death Eater holding me captive, and two white lights flew around us for a moment, then landed in front, the twins showing through the light. "Get away from my girlfriend!" Fred shot a spell at Corban, who was stunned, forced to letting go of me. "Ellie, you're okay."

"Now is not the time for a cozy catch up, Fred," I sent a quick smile at him and looked to the other Death Eaters, one of which had their wand aimed in my direction. "Patrificus Totalus!" He fell over, completely stiff.

Spells were shot back and forth, and I even heard Sirius say thus to Harry, "Nice one, James!" He and Harry were throwing curses at Lucius and another.

Bellatrix stood on higher ground, pointing her wand at Sirius. "Avada Kedavra!"

"NOOO!!!" I yelled, watching the laughing Sirius' smile fade to a blank expression, the ight leaving his eyes as he was gently pulled backwards into the veil behind him. He disappeared, causing a flow of yells and tears from Harry, who was restrained by Lupin as Bellatrix ran off.

Harry broke free from Lupin and ran after Bellatrix. "Harry, NO!" I ran after him, knowing he was going to get himself killed.

"Ellie!" The twins called after me, but I followed Harry without looking back.

"Crucio!" Harry yelled, causing Bellatrix to fall to the floor in pain. He looked her in the eye with anger, anger from the loss of his last family member.

Bellatrix began to laugh, knowing Harry didn't mean it enough to continue hurting her. "You have to mean it, boy," A voice said. "You know the spell, Harry. She killed him. She deserves it." A black fog appeared, and Voldemort appeared through it. He stood behind Harry. "You're so.... Weak."

Harry turned and tried to cast a spell at Voldemort, but Voldemort threw Harry's wand to the floor. Dumbledore appeared through one of the fireplaces, being very calm about the situation. "It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way."

"By which time I shall be gone," Voldemort said to Dumbeldore simply. "And you shall be dead."

Dumbledore threw Harry out of the way, both him and Voldemort sending spells at one another. Bellatrix escaped through the fireplaces, and Voldemort broke the stream several times to throw spells at Harry, along with me, but I blocked them. I was afraid, and I wanted to help. I ran over to Harry and pulled him out of Voldemort's sight.

"Lizzie, what are you doing-?"

"Ssh," I shushed Harry. I didn't want anyone else to hear us.

Voldemort let out a yell, breaking every speck of glass in the entire Ministry building. He held his wand in the air and fired all of the glass at me, Harry and Dumbledore. Dumbledore held up a type of shield made of magic, which disintegrated the glass into dust. Voldemort disappeared again, creating a fortress of the glass dust around Harry, throwing me and Dumbledore out of his reach.

Fudge and the Aurors appeared as the dust barrier fell away, leaving Harry on the floor in physical and emotional pain. "He's back," Fudge said. "He's really back."

The other Order members, other than Sirius, came running out. The twins wrapped themselves around me, but I said nothing, too.... I don't even know how to describe it. Too.... Amazed, I guess you could say. Astonished that Voldemort was really back, and that he had just tried to kill me. And that the last of Harry's family was gone. My friend was gone. It seemed like everything came crashing down, all at once.

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