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"How you feeling, Georgie?" Fred asked, kneeling in front of his injured twin, a look of fear on his face. It was subtle, but it was there. I was kneeling right beside Fred, my head rested on his shoulder. George mumbled something we couldn't understand. "Come again?"

"Saint-like. I'm holy. I'm holy, Fred. Get it?" George smiled lightly and pointed to where his ear should have been. Fred smiled back, happy to hear his brother joking and not crying.

"The whole wide world of ear related humor and you go for 'I'm holy'? That's pathetic," Fred joked, making fun of George's bad pun. I smiled, knowing that they were both going to be okay. I heard someone else enter the barrier.

Bill and Fleur walked into the house, seeing George on the couch, but not showing a reaction. Then Bill cleared his throat and said, "Mad Eye's dead."

Several others looked down. I watched Mad Eye die, and I flinched at the sound of his name. I could've helped him. If I had just moved my wand a second before, I could have saved a life. An innocent life. I stood up and walked out of the house. My hands flew up to the sides of my head and tears flooded my eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. My mouth went dry, and I looked up to the star filled sky.

As I watched the stars twinkle back at me from so far away, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. All was calm, for a moment.

Fred's POV

Ellie stood up and walked out of the house. I turned my head and watched her leave, wondering what had upset her. I looked back to George, who was still only half conscious.

"Go get her, Freddie," George said. "I'm not going anywhere any time soon. Go."

With my brother's permission, I went after her. I found her sitting on the porch steps, looking at the stars, seeming peaceful. Without a word, I sat down next to her, Ellie instantly resting her head on my shoulder. I looked up to the sky as she had already been doing, and found the same peace I think that she had. A calm sensation, like there was nothing else in the world but us, at this moment.

"What about my parents?" She asked, not bothering to move at all. I turned my head slightly and looked at her, still resting her head on my shoulder.

"What about them?" I returned the question, wanting to know what she meant. Why would Ellie suddenly bring up her parents? And now, of all times?

"They're muggles," Ellie said. "And I'm a witch. That means that no matter what the case is, they are involved in this war, just as we are. I can't lose them, Fred. Or you. Or anyone else. We've already lost Mad Eye, Sirius, Dumbledore, and we almost lost Georgie, too. And your dad. I want them out of this."

"Then we'll get them out," I told her. "We can temporarily obliviate them, send them to America or somewhere. Keep them away as long as we need to. And when all of this is over, we restore their memories and bring them back, as if nothing ever happened."

"I can't do that, Freddie," Ellie replied. She took her head off of my shoulder and looked at me, tears filling her eyes. "I just can't."

"Then I'll do it," said a voice from behind us. We both spun around quickly to see Remus leaning against a post on the porch. He gave a slight nod to Ellie, as if to say 'I mean it.'

Obliviate || Fred Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now