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"Meet me in the Three Broomsticks later," George said, walking towards Hogsmead, leaving me to talk with Fred alone. "Good luck." I nodded and continued to the Quidditch pitch. I entered the tent and found him in the same spot I had been earlier when he found me.

"Leave me alone, George," he said, his head in his hands. "I told you I don't want your lecturing."

"I'm not here to lecture you," I responded, causing Fred to look up and see that it was me, not George. "I'm just here to work all of this out."

He said nothing. I sat down next to him on the bench, bathing in the awkward silence between us. "I'm sorry, El. I should have listened to you before going off like that."

"Ya think?" Fred looked to the floor. "Look, I get it. You heard something and you wanted to know if it was true. You just went about it the wrong way. I forgive you."

"I don't deserve it," Fred replied.

"Maybe you think you don't, but just know that I think you're worth forgiving." I stood up to leave, but Fred took my hand, holding me back. I sat back down, Fred entangling his fingers in with mine.

"Why?" I looked back into his eyes, seeing only sadness and curiosity. Not a glimpse of happiness was there. "Why do you think I'm worth forgiving?"

I continued to hold my gaze on his eyes. I found a million stars inside of them, each of them sparkling beautifully. He focused on me as if I were the only thing that existed. His gaze was full of longing and love, a look I've never seen on Fred before. He slowly grew closer to me, finally crashing his lips into mine. With one hand still wrapped in mine, he kissed me long and good. His second hand found its way to my cheek, instantly making my chilled face warm again.

He broke away, our noses still touching, still staring into my eyes as if nothing else mattered. He leaned in again, kissing me once more. Our hands let go, finding their way up to each other's face. Fred was so passionate in this moment, and remembering what George had told me, I realized that he was right. He was right about all of this. Fred pulled away again, looking at me and smiling. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he said.

I stood up and pulled him up with me, holding him close to me. I kissed his cheek and ran outside of the tent. I ran across the Quidditch field, but I slipped on the snow, causing Fred, who caught hold of my hand at the right moment, to fall too, landing on top of me. "Well that happened," I smiled.

"I suppose it did," Fred replied. "I love you, El. I always have."

"Fred Weasley, I love you too."


We arrived at the Three Broomsticks, finding George inside with a butterbeer. We sat with him at the booth, right after ordering our own butterbeers. George took another sip of his drink, leaving a bit of foam on his upper lip, and smiled at us. "So, everything is good now, I presume?"

"George, what do you know?" Fred asked, knowing his twin had been up to something. George reached into his pocket and pulled out a large and folded piece of parchment. "You sneaky little git!" George only laughed at his brother's reaction. "I swear, you need to be rid of that damn map."

"Hey, you know more than I do!" George defended himself with a big smile. "You two do any buckwilding?" Fred and I raised and eyebrow, both of us confused. "Seriously? Doodling? Do the do?" We were still clueless as to what George was going on about. "Oh my god, did you guys have sex?"

"No!" We yelled at once.

George laughed, knowing that he had just changed directions with this conversation. "You are evil, Georgie, I swear," I said as I took a sip of my own butterbeer. "I can't look at you the same way again." George threw his head back laughing and nearly fell off the seat. Good lord, George can never be subtle, can he?

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