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"And ANOTHER 10 points for Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan commented on the match. I flew through the stinging rain, jumping off of my broom and over a Ravenclaw Chaser, catching the Quaffle and landing back onto my broom. "Baker has made an amazing catch of the Quaffle and heads straight for the goal!"

As another Ravenclaw flew at me, I flew underneath them, barely avoiding getting hit by their feet. I threw the Quaffle at the goal, the Keeper missing it by a few inches.

"Baker earns 10 more points for Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan continues announcing every movement we make with the Quaffle. "Jason Samuels, Ravenclaw beater, hits the Bludger towards Baker!" I look behind me to see the Bludger headed straight for me.

"Bloody hell," I mutter. Right before the Bludger can knock me off my broom, Fred flies over, smacking the Bludger back, knocking Samuels off of his broom. "Thanks Freddy!"

"Anytime, El!" Fred yells back as I fly away on my Firebolt.

"Johnson passes the Quaffle off to Baker!" Lee said. I caught the Quaffle from Angelina's pass and flew towards the goal once more. I passed the Quaffle off to Alicia, who then scored for Gryffindor again. I fist pumped, glad we were dominating this game. "Inglebee hits the Bluster back at Baker!"

I felt a heavy hit to my left side, knocking me off of my broom. I grabbed the handle of my broom, but couldn't mount it, causing me to continue the fall. I shut my eyes, expecting to hit the ground, but found myself back in the air.

I opened my eyes to find George had grabbed my arm and flew me back to the height of the goals. I hopped back onto my broom. "Stay on your broom next time, Baker!"

I smiled at my idiot friend and flew back around. I got a hold of the Quaffle once more and scored. "Baker scores the final 10 points for Gryffindor! Gryffindor wins!" The crowd of students and professors cheered as everyone on their brooms stopped flying around. Before anyone could leave their seats, however, the twins and I had to do our victory dance.

We lined up side by side and flew a lap around the field. I put a hand on the very front edge of my broom and looked between the twins, searching for the signal. Each of them winked, which was the signal. I pushed off my broom and did a handstand as I zoomed around the field. The twins flew below me, then straight up as I remounted my broom and we reached the center of the field. We all flew straight up, then broke off as Fred flew left, George flew right and I continued straight up. I slowed to a stop as I nearly reached the clouds, then let out a deep breath, putting all of my trust into my reaction speed for this moment.

I let go of my broom and plummeted towards the ground. Everyone around gasped, never having seen our routine before. I did a triple backflip for everyone to see, then continued down, face first. Maybe 20 meters from the ground, I grabbed hold of my broom and flew back up to the twins, who were standing on their brooms midair now. They did front hand springs onto each other's brooms, then jumped back to their own over top of my head. We flew to everyone's view point, I grabbed hold of the twins' hands, and we bowed.

The cheering turned so loud, I drowned it out into a faint and fuzzy noise. I smiled alongside my best friends, who raised our arms into the air. Gryffindor was going to the school finals to (hopefully) win the Quidditch Cup this year. I had been looking forward to winning the cup after these few years of being a Chaser.

Fred, George and I's fifth year at Hogwarts was going to be very eventful. Not just with Quidditch, though. No, there was much more in store for us three than we ever imagined.

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