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"Oh-! Oh my god! Are you serious? For how long?" Fred jumped with joy, looking at me with the happiest face I'd ever seen on him. "When did you-?"

"I found out a month ago. I'm five months along." I held my stomach, which had been significantly higher than when I left. Fred placed a hand on my stomach and was so excited.

"That's amazing!" He said, his smile growing even larger.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything, because I'm truly overjoyed for both of you, but it is also terrible timing, considering we're in the middle of a war," George added. We all turned back around to watch the barrier continue to fall down. It was sad, seeing the place I had once called home fall apart under the attack of Voldemort, who happened to be a former student.

"Agreed," I said. "But we'll make it through this. All four of us." I held on to Fred's hand. And George's. "I know we will."

But I was dead wrong - no pun intended. Not all four of us we're going to make it through this, I just didn't know it yet.


"Percy!" I called out, seeing Percy under attack by another Death Eater. I shot a stunning spell at him, knocking him away from my brother-in-law. Percy stood up and joined me, and Fred. I had no idea where George had gone off to, but we were near the Room of Requirement.

"Thank you," Percy said as I helped him to his feet. Two more Death Eaters approached us and created streams with Percy and Fred. Harry, Ron and Hermione emerged from the Room of Requirement, speaking of something like fiendfyre. The trio ran forward to help, sending light in all directions from their wands.

Whoever was dueling Percy backed off fast, their hood falling down to reveal streaked hair and a long forehead. "Hello Minister!" Percy yelled at Thicknesse, sending a jinx at him. Thicknesse dropped to the ground, clutching his clothing and dropping his wand. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

The Death Eater that Fred was battling collapsed, and Fred shouted to Percy, "You're joking, Perce! You actually are joking Perce.... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were--"

A loud bang took over us, sending a few of us flying, but not me. The explosion wasn't the largest, but it sure was loud. I had enjoyed the sound of Fred's laughter while it lasted, but I heard it no more. "Freddie?" I couldn't see him through the smoke.

For that fraction of a moment, it had seemed as though we would all make it through this, but everything was ripped into shreds so tiny, it was impossible to put back together. I collapsed onto my knees, my eyes stinging from the smoke filling them. I couldn't see anything.

I heard a loud cry that tore open my heart and clawed at my stomach, the kind of scream that seems as if it'd only be in movies. One that makes anyone cry, no matter who lets out the sound. I didn't know whose it was, but I didn't know if I wanted to. My hand was grabbed by someone behind me, and I was dragged away, unable to know what happened to Fred.

"No no no NO!" I yelled at whoever was taking me away. "I need to make sure he's okay!"

"There's no time!" They yelled back to me through the noise of the battle. Bill. "I can't risk your life and the baby's! Now come on!"


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