Unstable State of Mind

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Hoseok glanced over at it for a moment, only slightly impressed, but refusing to show it to Taehyung. He glared back towards Taehyung, scoffing loudly. "You think I'm impressed by simple acts? Better try a little harder, boy."

Taehyung grit his teeth, clenching his jaw as he noticed Hoseok staring at his jawline. He quickly unclenched his jaw, aware Hoseok had noticed already. "Did you just clench your jaw," he asked, smirking. "You have something to say? Are you going to be a big man and say something to me? I bet you won't even do anything," he quipped, shoving Taehyung heavily in his chest.

Taehyung did nothing more because the gleam in Hoseok's eye wasn't very reassuring to his safety and he was right. Even without provoking Hoseok further, he didn't have time to react before Hoseok made his next move. A sharp pain splintered its way up his leg, his knee buckling under the severe stike to the back of it. He dropped to his knees, holding the back of his leg and glancing up at Hoseok who now held a small, metal pipe in his hand that rested casually on his shoulder. "Square up to me again and see what happens," he stated, grabbing a fistful of Taehyung's hair and yanking his head back harshly.

Taehyung's eyes met Hoseok's and they stared at each other for several moments before Taehyung barely nodded. "Yes, sir."

Hoseok smiled wickedly as he harshly shoved Taehyung's head away from him, propping himself back up against his desk. "Your next batch should be done in three weeks. No more than that," he stated, eyeing Taehyung.

Taehyung's mouth fell open as he stared at Hoseok. "But! The last one was four weeks and I needed an extension then! How--"

He was cut short as Hoseok's dark glare cut him to his very core and shut him up. Hoseok pushed himself away from his desk, pointing the lead pipe into Taehyung's chest, his eyes dark with murderous intent. "Three weeks or I come for your head. Are we clear?" Taehyung was silent for a moment, trying to figure out if Hoseok was being hateful and just saying that or if he really meant it.

Taehyung nodded, realizing that Hoseok was not playing or just saying that to be an asshole. He meant every word of it and he shuttered under Hoseok's intense gaze. "Yes. Three weeks. I'll have it ready for you."

Hoseok smiled, crouching down in front of Taehyung. "Good. Now get out."

Hoseok rose to his feet before Taehyung could even stand on his own two feet, his injured leg screaming out in defeaning pain. Taehyung knew that no man was ever going to stand above Hoseok. He was always the one looking down on others, never the other way around.

Taehyung gripped his leg, slowly limping towards Hoseok's office door, before Hoseok roughly grabbed his arm and whipped him around. "On second thought," he stated, shoving Taehyung into one of the chairs and pinning his wrists. "Open your mouth," he demanded, staring darkly into Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung's leg ached even more as he sat there, staring up into Hoseok's dangerous eyes. He slowly but surely obeyed, opening his mouth as he was told. Hoseok shoved one of his own sheet of drugs that he'd made into his mouth and covered his mouth and nose, forcing it to stay in his mouth and dissolve on his tongue.

Taehyung may have made drugs to make his living, but he never once partook in doing drugs himself. He stared at Hoseok, who still had his hand over his mouth. Hoseok smirked before leaning down and pressing his forehead to Taehyung's. "I hope you enjoy the trip," he stated, moving his hands back to his wrists as he pressed his lips onto Taehyung's.

Obsession [Vhope/Taegi/vkook 21+] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now