Stockholm Syndrome

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Taehyung moaned softly in his sleep at the scream he heard just moments ago, his eyes slowly fluttering open. He slowly sat up, hearing another shrill outburst as he hastily shoved his blankets aside. He didn't know who the fuck was screaming so close to his room and disturbing his sleep, but he was surely going to bitch someone out.

But when he opened the door, he was met with a purely empty hallway and no open doors. He glanced from side to side, wondering where the screaming might have come from. None of his men would scream, would they?

He slowly walked across the corridor, towards Yoongi's room. He hesitantly placed his hand on Yoongi's doorknob, wondering if it might have been him. But he couldn't be sure as he stood there, pressing his ear to the door to see if he could hear anything more.

Yoongi fought with Jimin's hands, trying to get him to stop touching him inappropriately. He could feel the tears slipping out of his eyes now as the one person he didn't want to think about crossed his mind. He didn't know why he felt he could trust him, or why he was even thinking of him, but he just wanted Jimin to stop. "T- Taehyung," he cried out, hoping the other heard him. "Help m-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung had already burst through the door, glaring at the two of them. Jimin slowly stood, turning towards Taehyung only to be yanked by the front of his shirt away from Yoongi. Taehyung shoved him forcefully against the wall and delivered a swift punch to Jimin's stomach that he couldn't block in time. "You don't force yourself on the captive," he yelled, glaring down at Jimin, who had doubled over.

Yoongi lay, quivering on the bed as Taehyung glanced over at him. He seemed even smaller than normal, curled up on the king sized bed, shaking and terrified. Taehyung took a deep breath and pointed towards the door aggressively. "Get out. Now."

Jimin quickly scrambled to his feet, holding his arm across his stomach as he briskly left the room and slammed the door behind him. Taehyung sighed deeply in frustration as he turned towards a sobbing Yoongi.

Taehyung gently placed a hand on his head, only for Yoongi to flinch violently at the sudden contact and huddle together more. Taehyung quickly withdrew his hand in an effort to calm the already shaken Yoongi. "Sorry. Sorry. I won't touch you," he stated softly, standing in front of the bed now.

Yoongi slowly stopped shaking, tilting his head to look up at Taehyung with tearful eyes. "Y- you won't touch me...?"

"No... not unless you ask me to," he answered softly, noticing that Yoongi had an erection. He sighed heavily at Jimin's actions, not knowing he was the whole cause of it and pointed toward the door. "There's a bathroom down the hall. You can relieve yourself there," he stated softly, stepping away slightly as Yoongi sat up.

He glanced down at his indiscresion and shook his head softly. He had never liked anything sticky on his hands, or anything that made his hands feel unclean for that matter. "N- no... i- it's gross."

Taehyung tilted his head, scoffing softly. "Masturbating is gross? How is that so? Everyone does it from time to time, even if they say they don't," he stated, slightly offended.

Yoongi shuddered at the word Taehyung had used. He knew what masturbation was, but never did it unless absolutely necessary. He always wore a glove when he did such things as well. "I-It's filthy... A- And I don't l- like getting my hands dirty that... I... I just can't do it without gloves," he whined, realizing it was hurting more with Taehyung slowly kneeling down in front of the bed.

Obsession [Vhope/Taegi/vkook 21+] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now