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I sat in lili's room talking and going over lines as we waited to start are first episode of Riverdale . Lili was very shy at first but I got her out of her shell this first week of being in Vancouver . She was by far the most beautiful woman ever but I just kept it to myself . She sat there on her balcony with the sunset falling behind her as I reached for my camera and took a photo but she didn't notice . " You look bueatiful.  " She turned her head towards me . "

" Is Cole Sprouse secretly taking photos of mua "

" Yes I am I know art when I see it. "

" We start filming tomorrow early so you better go to your room Cole ."

" Okay , this had been the best week hanging out with you lils. "

" I'll see you tomorrow okay . "

" Okay bye " I left and cami went in soon after.

Lili's POV

After Cole left cami came in me and cami are like best friends were so close and hit it off so we'll.  " So how was that "

" It's Cole were practically best friends . "

" You to have been hanging out all week. "

" Yeah im tired im going to go to sleep "

" Fine fine fine I'll leave but remember my roo. Is right next door . "

" I know bye cami . "

" Bye lils ." I went to bed after

Cole POV

I got a text from my dad that my grandma passed away and me and my grandma were so close. I didn't make many close friends here other than Lili and kj. I sent a text to kj but he didn't reply so I sent a text to Lili. 
Cole : are you up lils

Lili : I was sleeping but what's up

Cold: I really need to talk to someone can I come to your room

Lili: yeah sure if you need to talk go ahead

I knocked on her door as she opened she looked tired but still had a friendly smile.  She pulled me in and closed the door.  She sat me at the end of her bed at sat next to me . " So Cole what's going on it's 2 in the morning. " She started to lightly rub my back as I burst into tears I was holding back for awhile . " Aww" she then pulled me into her imbrace .

" I-im s-sorry " I chocked out. 

" She shh don't speak.  " She kissed my head as she calmed me down. She laid back with my head on her chest tucked in her neck. " Just relax you don't need to say anything. "

" M-my grandma died  "

" Oh you poor thing im sorry.  "

" W-we were so close and she is gone.  "

" It's going to be okay just rest and I will call Roberto tomorrow you are in no shape for working.  "

" No im going to work  "

" We will see get some sleep . "

" thank you Lili for this.  "..

" Of course.  " She rubbed my back till I fell asleep. 

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