Chapter 1

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In the isolated reaches of Sitio Santo Domingo, nestled deep within the lush country of the Philippines, a handful of families eke out a tranquil existence at the base of towering mountains. Their days are marked by the pursuit of upkeep through the ancient art of hunting and the patient capture of fish in the waters of a great river that winds through their land. Yet, their lives are overshadowed by the enigmatic source of this river, for legend has it that its origins lay hidden within the forbidding peaks of a mountain known as "Biyak na Bato."

Throughout the passing years, tales of the mountain's secrets have shrouded Sitio Santo Domingo in an aura of trepidation, casting a veil of apprehension over the hearts of those who call it home. Fear deepened as tales, as cryptic as the mists that draped the mountaintop, found fertile ground in the fertile imaginations of the villagers and their visitors. One story, yet, would etch itself into the tapestry of the valley with the unforgettable ink of fear. It was the tale of a lone hunter, a solitary figure who dared to breach the silent heart of "Biyak na Bato." His return from the mountain's embrace bore testament to the horrors that crept within its shadowed embrace.

Clutched tightly within his trembling hand was a vial of water, whose luminosity shimmered with the tantalizing promise of otherworldly power. For it was whispered that this water held potent magic, capable of mending flesh and spirit alike.

As the hunter gave an account of his harrowing odyssey through snared thickets and looming trees, he spoke of an encounter that defied reason and plunged the listeners into the chilling depths of incredulity. He spoke of a protector, a being both man and beast—a werewolf.

This creature, he claimed, stood sentinel over an enchanted spring of unearthly purity, exuding a magnetic allure that had drawn him into its thrall in his darkest hour. Thus, the legend of Sitio Santo Domingo's enigma was irrevocably altered, as speculation gave way to a chilling cinch that within the heart of the forbidden peak, a force both enchanting and terrifying lay in wait.

"We can't trust rumors until you confirm the truth!" declared one of the villagers.

"What I saw up there was real. I survived, although some of them wanted to make a meal out of me. Luckily, I met their leader named Bardos. He was a gentle wolf, especially when he disguised himself as a human," explained Lolo Efren.

As Lolo Efren shared his tale with the children and adults in the village, his words sparked both wonder and skepticism. Despite the increasing skepticism, he stayed the only one who truly understood the reality of the wolves lurking nearby, blending seamlessly with the human population.

"They bear a peculiar mark, and their eyes glimmer with a fiery yellow hue, illuminating when danger is near," he added.

          "Why would they want to be like humans? This sounds impossible," questioned one of the listeners.

          "It may seem unimaginable, but I tell you, it is true. Bardos himself spoke to me, and his words were filled with wisdom and kindness," emphasized Lolo Efren.

          "Perhaps they are not as dangerous as we think," mused a thoughtful villager.

          "Or maybe they are just biding their time before they strike!" chimed in another villager, shrouded in suspicion.

          The villagers exchanged uncertain glances, torn between disbelief and fearful acceptance of Lolo Efren's extraordinary account.

          In the high mountains of Santo Domingo, a gathering of wolves in the peak of the Biak na Bato is taking place. Bardos, their leader, presides over the gathering, where important decisions are being discussed. As he walks toward his throne made of stone, it is inevitable for him to be an inspiration to his pack. Despite the passing of several decades, Bardos still retains his youthful vigor and unwavering dedication to guarding the sacred spring that imbues strength in all the members of the pack. He exemplifies the enduring power and wisdom that have sustained their pack through generations, serving as a source of inspiration and guidance for all who follow him.

          But over time, the pack was hurtling towards disaster as numerous wolves disappeared following their shifts. One contributing factor was their interactions with humans, leading some wolves to shun their wolf form indefinitely.

          "I warned you, Bardos, we should not have involved humans amongst our kind. Our comrades are at risk, and they may have endangered us as well," an elder wolf lamented.

          "Don't you trust our kind? I know what I'm doing. If it comes down to a conflict between us and humans, I will always prioritize the welfare of our pack," Bardos retorted firmly.

          "Protect them? How can you protect them if you end up betraying them in the end? Or worse, if they betray us all?" the elder wolf challenged.

          The atmosphere in the pack was tense as fear and distrust loomed large, entwine the fates of wolves and humans in uncertain ways.

The entire pack was thrown into disarray until Bardos needed to address the situation. He thought at first that it might become possible that these circumstances might ultimately strip him of his long-held position of authority, as his predecessor had warned him. The instability within their pack could threaten his rule for a symbolic period, creating a precarious situation for his leadership.

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