Chapter 21

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Ethan POV

I just got home from work and I call Carson down.

The first quarter ends in a week and a half and all of Carson's grades are decent he has like 2 C's 4 B's and 1 A. He has a bio test tomorrow and right now he has a C in that class so I'm gonna make him study a lot for it so he aces it and it brings him up to a B.

"Hey Ethan" Carson says as he walks over to me.

"Hey Bud how was your day?" I ask

"Fine" he says

"Ok you need to study for your bio test and I want you to do it down here" I say

"It's fine I'm just gonna wing it" He says then starts to walk upstairs I grab his right arm and pull him back down

"It's not a choice go get your stuff" I say he rolls his eyes but gets it.

"Thank you" I say

"I want you to study for an hour then we'll eat dinner." I say and start making dinner.

I check on him every so often to make sure he's studying and then after an hour Clooney eats his dinner and we eat ours.

"I'm watching TV" Carson announces

"One show then studying" I say

"I have to study more?" He asks

"Yes another hour" I say

"Ughh" He says

Carson POV

I don't get why Ethan's making me study and why so much. I do fine on test I just cheat. He's so annoying. My episode of breaking bad just ended and I hoped Ethan would forget but he didn't.

So I have to study it sucks so much like I don't even understand what I'm reading it's so stupid.

Tomorrow's gonna suck too. Especially because my bio teacher puts in grades really fast.


Today is my test and I am not excited for it.

"Ok class you have 45 minutes eyes on your on paper or you will be given a zero" My teacher says and I start my test.

It's really fucking hard and it's nothing I studied. I sit next to someone really smart so I look over a little bit.

"Carson hallway please" My teacher says shit. I get up and walk out.

"You will be getting a F and I'm going to call your brother" He says.

A/N sorry for not updating I'll try to do it again soon thanks for reading comment plz

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