Broken sisterhood

96 7 34

Janet's: POV

I was making out with Adam when the doorbell rang. He let out a groan and I smiled. "I'll be right back!" I said and kissed his lips.

I put on my clothes and went to the hall. I opened the door and saw my twin sister. She looked shocked at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Visit my sister!" said Simone. "Sure!" I muttred. "How's Nick?" she asked.

(Janet's twin sister Simone)

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(Janet's twin sister Simone)

"Darling, who's this?" asked Adam. "My sister Simone!" I said. "Are you out of your freaking mind?" she asked. "You don't have to shout!" I said annoyed.

"He's a serial killer, I can't believe you're together with him!" replied Simone. "I love him!" I said.

"He killed his family!" she replied. "One more word about my fiancé and you'll regret that you've ever been born!" I said threatening.

"Why don't you show her the chamber?" asked Adam. "What a great idea!" I said with a smirk. "I have to go!" replied Simone. "You're not going anywhere!" I said.

I draggad her to the chamber and tied her up. I tortured her and she screamed outta pain.

"Please, don't kill me, I've a two months old daughter at home!" said Simone. "I'll take very good care of her!" I replied. "Don't take my baby girl!" she begged. "Goodbye sister!" I said and cut off her throat.


I drove to her house and walked in. I went into my niece's room and she was sleeping in her cradle.

(Janet's niece Candice)

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(Janet's niece Candice)

I lifted up her and rocked her in my arms. Candice woke up and began to cry. I sang a lullaby and she fell asleep again.

"I'm sorry honey, I couldn't save your mommy!" I said sadly. A tear ran down her cheek. "Don't cry sweetie, I'll take care of you now!" I said softly.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your character in my story.

Candice is so cute💕 Poor thing, she'll never see her mommy again😢 I hope you liked this chapter.


The stepfatherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora