I need changes in my life

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Magnus's: POV

I had followed Adam to Hyde Park to find out what he was hiding. I heard music when I came to a glade.

There were tents, balloons, lamps and someone had made up a fire. People were laughing while they listened to music.

A man with long hair was sitting on a blanket and smoked. He had his arm around a woman and she smiled happily.

"You aren't invited!" said a guy. "I'm here too see my husband, but I can't see him!" I replied.

"I'm here!" said Adam. "Wow, you look different!" I replied. "I'm a master on disguise!" he said and blew out smoke.

(He looks so sexy)

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(He looks so sexy)

"Darling!" replied a woman. "I'm coming!" said Adam. "Darling?" I asked confused. "Janet is my girlfriend!" he said. "I'm your husband and I thought you were gay!" I replied. "I'm bisexual!" said Adam.

"I thought you loved me!" I replied. "I need changes in my life!" he said. "Fine, I won't bother you or your girlfriend!" I replied and left.


I walked to a bar and ordered a glass of beer. "Got you heart broken?" asked the bartender. "Yes!" I said and drank.

"So it's true?" asked Tommy. "Leave me alone!" I said. "Adam were cheating on me too!" he replied. "Like I care!" I said and empited my drink.

"Janet is not good for him, she'll only make him more dangerous!" replied Tommy. "Didn't you hear me?" I shouted coldly.

I grapped a knife and stabbed him. The blood splashed and he fell lifeless to the floor. I killed more people before I left the bar.

I love the new photoshoot with Adam😍❤️ I get 70's vibes of the pictures❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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