Me and my wife will take care for you

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Adam's: POV

We passed a house on the way home. I got a feeling that something was wrong. Janet gave me a worried glance.

I walked in and looked around. On the kitchen floor lay a man and a woman lifeless. It was obvious that they had died of an overdose.

I went into another room and found a girl. She was wearing a pink dress and her arms was covered with bruises.

"Go away!" she replied. "I won't hurt you!" I said. "Who are you?" she asked. "My name is Adam!" I said. "I'm Sierra!" she replied shyly. "You've a beautiful name!" I said.


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"My partens abuse me!" said Sierra. "They won't hurt you anymore!" I replied. "Are they dead?" she asked and I nodded.

"I'm scared!" said Sierra. "Me and my wife will take care for you!" I replied. "Thank you Adam!" she said and gave me a hug. "You're welcome!" I replied.

We walked out and she met Janet. Sia hugged her new mom and I saw the happiness in their eyes.

I lifted up my daughter in my arms and she smiled. "I love you daddy and mommy!" said Sierra. "We love you too!" I replied.


I bought toys and books to her new room. It feels good to be dad again and I'll protect my baby girl with my life.

"Adam!" called Janet. "What is it?" I asked. "Come!" she said.

I walked to the living room and a smile spreds on my lips. Sia had fallen asleep on the couch and hugged her teddy bear. I put a blanket over her and stroked her cheek.

"She's so cute!" said Janet. "Poor thing, she has been through a lot!" I replied and Janet nodded. "I know Brandon will be an amazing brother to her!" I said. "Of course!" replied Janet.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your characters in my story.

Adam and Janet will be wonderful partens to Sierra💕 I hope you liked this chapter.


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