You shouldn't have come here

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Adam's: POV

I saw a dad walked into my store with his little son. "Welcome!" I said. "Is it open?" he asked. "Yes!" I said.

"I'd like to have a cup of coffee and a sandwich for my son!" replied Michael. "Of course!" I said.

"Can we go home?" asked Theo. "Are you tired?" asked his dad. "I don't like this place!" he said.

"Your son is right, we live in dark times now!" I replied. "You remind me of someone!" said Michael. "Do I?" I asked with a smirk. "You look exactly like the serial killer!" he said.

"It's because I'm him!" I replied. "Don't kill us!" he said scared. "You shouldn't have come here!" I replied.

I stabbed them to death and hid the bodies. I washed away the blood, before I closed the store. I stepped into his car and drove back home.


"Tommy and his family lives in London now!" said Magnus. "Really?" I asked.

"His husband is from England!" he said. "They really think they're safe there!" I replied. "What's your plan?" he asked. "I hope they don't mind a little visit!" I said and smirked.

Leave Tommy and his family alone👿 You've terrorized them enough. I hope you liked this chapter.


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