It's nice to meet you

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Adam's: POV

June 7th year 1973: New York

"I miss your long hair!" said Janet. "I needed a new look!" I replied. "You're still handsome!" she said and kissed me. "Thank you!" I replied. 

(Adam's new look)

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(Adam's new look)

A man and his two sons passed us. I looked at him. "You know what to do!" she whispered. "Of course!" I said. I gave my wife a kiss and walked up to the man.

"Hello!" I said. "Hey!" he replied. "My name is Adam Evenson!" I said. "Jack Collins and these are my twin sons!" he replied. "What's their name?" I asked.

"Philip and Phoebus!" he said. "It's nice to meet you!" I replied. "The same!" said Jack with a smile.

"Would you like to come over for dinner?" he asked. "I would love to!" I said. "Wonderful!" replied Jack with a smile.

(Jack and his two sons, Philip and Phoebus)

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(Jack and his two sons, Philip and Phoebus)

"Must he, daddy?" asked Philip. "Don't be rude!" he said. "He seems scary!" replied Phoebus. "You have to excuse them!" said Jack. "It's okay!" I replied. "See you later!" he said and left.

Janet came up to me and I kissed her again. "His sons suspect you!" she said. "They won't be my problem!" I replied with a smirk. "My evil husband!" said Janet with a smile.


"Thank you for a delicious dinner!" I said. "I'm glad you liked it!" replied Jack.

I lifted up his chin and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "You're very handsome!" I said. "Thank you!" he replied.

"Thank you for coming!" said Jack. "I'll be back very soon!" I replied. "I can't wait to see you again!" he said. We had our first kiss before I left.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your character in my story.

Jack and his kids will meet the same fate as Adam's family.

I'll write a new book called Who wants to live forever.

I hope you liked this chapter.


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