Chapter 43 "A boy and A Girl"

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Surprise? (´・ω・')?

I'm sorry for not updating for quite while (it's been 4 months)

I really need your opinion on the ending since I'm lacking of ideas- actually, I do want to finish this book as fast as I could so I could work on editing the chapters and publish new stories but I'm experiencing what most writers felt, the lack of motivation/interest in it. And I think, that's why I'm having a hard time to write a new chapter.

When I started this book, I had no idea what ending or how the story will develop. I just wrote it. Which I'm starting to quite regret because look at this book now, barely updated on time and the story keeps going off from the earlier chapters.

Yeah, I really do need to do the editing

With that being said, I just finished my first term examination yesterday and will be on a two-weeks holiday. I want to at least, update 3 chapters in that period of time.

Please comment on how you'll want the ending to be since I don't really have a clear version of it myself yet since the manga got me messed up.

Happy or sad ending?


"We're going to be late at this rate!" Quick steps were heard on the not so busy street market in one of of Liones outskirts city.

"I'm going to blame it on you if we're late again!"

As the gate's view slowly come to their full vision, people are already gathering and cheering.

He slowed his steps as the girl behind him followed his action. "How are we going to make it pass through that?" The girl asked, slighly panting due to out of breath because of running.

"We'll just squish our way through."

The girl hit him on the shoulder, "I'm not doing that!"

"What are your options then?" The boy raised his eyebrow at her.

"Well, if we ask I'm sure they'll make way."

The boy huffed as he rolled her eyes, "You're the same as mother."

"Mother told me you inherited father's attitude when he was also young back then."

The boy gives her a grumpy look when rooftop of a familiar bar came in to their view.

"They're here!" The girl exclaimed as they took of running towards the front gate.

People begin to cheer loudly and clapping as Mama Hawk neared the gate.

"Ah, aren't you Princess Elie? Come to welcome your father back home didn't you?"

One of the townspeople notices her trying to make it through the crowd and Elie gave the woman a quick nod and smile before focusing back on making it through to the front gate. The people around her heard the conversation during the commotion and gives Elie space to move quickly without having to bump into someone.

As she made it through to the front, her twin brother had already look up front in anticipation.

Hawk Mama slows down and there are figures standing on top of her, some are waving while some are already beginning to hop off to the ground.

Elie runs to the man who had landed on the ground,


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