Chapter 28 "Trust"

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"Captain." Merlin called as she exited the bar and joined him on the grass. A bit far away from the bar.

"I don't know what to think anymore." He sighed deeply.

Merlin scanned his appearance, he looked worn out. Mostly tired. One could tell he had smashed things out of frustration. He was gone the whole day after they retreated to the bar.

"I'm speechless too." She chuckled lightly.

Meliodas ruffled his hair in frustration. "Do you think she realize that she is the key to revive the demon king?"

Merlin took a deep breath, "I don't think she realize it. Since she is a demon, of course she wouldn't think that she was a goddess."

"We need to take her."

Merlin looked at her troubled captain, "What good does it make? Force her to gain her memories back? We're not even sure that she is the goddess Elizabeth."

"Whatever works! I can't let her stay with them anymore. Who knows when they'll start moving. We don't even know how long she's been with them." He raised his voice and looked back at Merlin.

"I understand. Then we'll start planning tomorrow. Get some rest captain. You of all people need it." She stood up and pat him on his right shoulder and walked back into the bar.

Meliodas sighed again, shortly after followed by another sigh.

"Stop sighing, it won't make things better."

He let out a long sigh, "What am I supposed to do? Sleep?" He chuckled lightly.

"Like Merlin said it, you of all people need rest."

"I'm pretty surprised that you're talking to me. I thought you didn't trust me?"

King huffed and sat on a big rock behind Meliodas. "Trust doesn't have anything to do with this."

To that, Meliodas smiled. "What should I do? I'm really lost."

King looked at him with sympathy, this was the first time he ever saw Meliodas lost his way, asking others what to do.

"Kidnap the princess. That was your idea just awhile ago."

"Then? Zeldris and the others would surely come to save her."

King laughed and Meliodas shot him a curious look, "How ironic. Shouldn't we be the one saving her? It's as if Elizabeth is our enemy."

Moment of silence fell upon them. King looked at Meliodas who lost his thoughts on the dark sky.

"King." He called.

He raised his left eyebrow.

"If a day ever comes where I would have to kill Elizabeth, would you trust me enough to be able to do it?"

"What? Why would you kill her?" He asked back.

"I was thinking of putting an end to this curse. I wasn't able to think of a solution and I've tried every possible way. But it was all for naught." He speak lowly.

"Curse?" King asked again, completely confused.

"It was.. a curse placed on us both.. long time ago."

Meliodas collapsed on the grass and started snoring silently.

"Is he asleep?" King tilted his head in confusion. "What curse?"

"King." Merlin calm voice appeared behind him and he jolted up. "Merlin."

"You scared me." He sighed in relief.

Merlin only smirked in return, "I see that he's finally asleep."

"Do you know what he's talking about? The curse." King looked at her suspiciously.

"Not really. But I do know that they've been cursed. How do you know about that?"

King ignored Merlin's question, "What does he mean that he's going to kill Elizabeth?"

Merlin froze and look at King with a serious expression, "He said that?"

King tilted his head, "I thought you heard our conversation."

"The two of you weren't talking when I was walking towards you."

They both look at their sleeping captain confusingly.

"This is my first time seeing Meliodas lost his way." King sighed.

"I think it's about time that he tells us about the curse." Merlin said quietly.

"Merlin, do you trust him?" King asked almost like a whisper.

Merlin turned around and walked back to the bar, "I've been around him for a very long time. Sometimes I would doubt if trusting him is a good idea, but that was a long time ago."

King turned to her direction, "That means that you do? I mean, right now."

Merlin smirked at him, "Trust doesn't have anything to do with this."

King fell into silence when Merlin used his words back then.

"But I know he can lead us."

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