Chapter 19 "I'll Stay"

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After Elizabeth and Gilfrost exited the throne room, Elizabeth hugged Gilfrost and he hugged back.

"Thank you." She said sincerely with a smile.

"I should be the one thanking you, Elizabeth. But regardless, thank you."

Gilfrost decided to return to his kingdom right away to send the news to his family and Elizabeth send him to the gate.

"Perhaps, I'll visit sometimes to establish a relationship with Liones kingdom." He said as he rides the horse. "That would be wonderful." She replied.

She returned to the throne room to cross path with the Sins who were also on their way to the room. Before Diane could call her like she usually do, Elizabeth quickly enters the room without making eye contacts with any of them.

"I wonder why she's acting like that." Diane said quietly.

They entered the room and exchanged greetings. Now, it was time for Meliodas to report.

"We, failed the mission." He started and everyone looked at him with shocked faces. But the King remained calm, "What happened?"

"The village was attacked four days ago and at the same day, the townspeople were killed except for one survivor. She said that to me at the end of our mission and she-"

He pauses for awhile and Ban nudged him, "Cap'n?"

"The rest of the Sins were unconscious because of fighting and I was the only one left conscious along with the enemy and the one who survived. In the end, she died protecting me." He finishes and shook his head.

"I apologize for failing you, Your Majesty." He continued and Bartra exhaled his breath.

"Do not worry. You all have done very well. I'm sure you all tried the best to protect them. But who could've thought that they all had gone.."

During all the talks, Elizabeth remained silent and didn't look at them. Her gaze fell upon one of the statues inside the room and she recalled her times with Zeldris.

"... Gelda." Meliodas said and the name takes Elizabeth's attention and she looked towards Meliodas with wide eyes.

"Isn't her name is Herlyn?" Gowther asked and the others nodded. "No, her real name is Gelda. She was able to create illusions and she created the village when we arrived."

After some time later, the king dismissed them and Elizabeth returns to her room.

As the day started to turn into night, the Sins spends all their time resting inside Merlin's castle. And Elizabeth completely ignored them.

"Where's captain?" Diane asked. "He's been summoned by the king." King answered.

Meliodas was on his way to return to Merlin's castle as he received new mission from the king and that they would leave tomorrow. But somehow, he found himself standing in front of Elizabeth's room front door.

He knocked and almost immediately was responded by Elizabeth opening the door and was shocked to find her beloved captain standing there with a smile.

"Hey." He started.

"Since when did things become so awkward?" He thought and went inside the room even though Elizabeth didn't tell him to.

"I finally saw that Gilfrost guy's face. And he sure looks something." He said while looking around trying not to be awkward than it already is.

"He is isn't he?" Elizabeth replied and closed the door and walked towards the door. Meliodas could feel jealousy inside him as she responded to his supposedly compliments for Gilfrost.

"Did you, uh, accept it?" Meliodas felt like punching himself as he asked.

Elizabeth eyes fell upon the town and the cheerful people. "No. We both agreed to be just friends."

Meliodas eyes went a little big, "Really?" He couldn't believe that Elizabeth rejected the proposal. He was sure she would accept it. She nodded and hummed. "I think it's a bit too early for me to devote my life for this kingdom. I want to taste freedom first." She said, still humming.

"I'm glad then." He let out and scratch his head as he tries to tell her they would leave tomorrow for a new mission.

"Elizabeth, I'm sure this news will sadden you but, we will leave tomorrow for a new mission."

Elizabeth stops humming and turned around immediately, "For how long?"

"It might take more than a month." He said as they locked eyes. He saw the sadness that appeared in her eyes. "I will wait." She smiles.

"You could come if you want to. By sneaking out, of course." He chuckled and hoped that she would come.

"That sounds fun. But, I'll stay here." She smiled and Meliodas couldn't find a hint of sadness in her eyes. They reflected hope and happiness. "I thought, you want to come?" He asked again, her attitude is confusing and he couldn't read her at all.

"I do want to come with you guys, but I'll stay." She replied with her smile still apparent on her lips.

"I see." He replied, disappointed that she decided to not come. "I'll finish the mission quickly so that we could hang out more." He grinned and exited the room, "It's good to see you again, Elizabeth. Until then, take care."

And the door was shut. Elizabeth's smile fell into a frown and looks back outside to the city.

"Would that I could join you."

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