Chapter 29 "Reminisce"

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Its August tomorrow ,_, the heck have I been doing for the past 7 months


"Meliodas?" A soft voice called for him for afar.

He stood up from the grass and looked around to find her. But there's no one.

"Meliodas." A stern and rough voice called him from behind. He turned around to see a black fire floating in the air.

"Father." He greeted without any emotion.

"You've been seeing that goddess lately haven't you?" His voice was stern and demanding.

"Yes." Meliodas knew there were no point to lie to his father. After all, he is the demon king.

"Then you better stop this. You are the heir to my throne. One day, you will lead those thousands of demons that are currently under my palms. I will not tolerate with your foolish act the next time. Stop seeing her, it'll do good for both sides of the demon and goddess race." The demon king sounded a bit soft at the end of the sentence. But Meliodas does not want to believe that his father has that soft side in him.

"And what if I don't want to? I never ask to be the heir." He looked at the shadow with determined expression.

"We have talked about this when your mother left. You are the only son that is worthy of my throne." He sounded as if he was pleading to not push the matter, "Probably because it was related to mother." Meliodas silently thought.

"You haven't seen Estarossa's or Zeldris' true potential! Please father, I don't-" Meliodas took a step forward but stopped when the fire grew bigger.


Meliodas shook his head and let out a snort. "No wonder why mother left, it was because you were too greedy for more power in this world. Too high with pride. You were envious when people are more respectable and frightful towards the goddess clan than us demons."

His father doesn't said a word after that. The fire died down and after a moment Meliodas lift his head to see his mother, smiling warmly at him.

"Mother.." At this point, he was going to break down. The weight was just too heavy for him to carry it alone. No one understood him except Elizabeth and his mother. Losing his mother and not seeing her as often as he did when he was a child and tell her everything that he was thinking about left a big mark on him.

It taught him to keep his feelings to himself as much as it hurts having no one to talk about what he was feeling.

His mother was the reason he had that soft side in him and he was thankful for that. After finding out his mother had left the demon race to focus and strengthen the goddess clan as the goddess queen or what they all call her, the supreme goddess, he started to lose his good side. He killed countless living beings. He started to show no emotion towards anyone anymore. It was when he reached his teen that the demons knowledge him as the most worthy of the title the next demon king. Other races soon found out and grew frightful of him. He was a huge threat to the other 3 races.

But during on his usual rampage, he met Elizabeth, the adopted daughter of the supreme goddess.

She brought back the good side of him and that was the reason why Elizabeth is the most despised goddess in the demons' eyes.

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