Chapter 35 "Love in the Moonlight"

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Gosh I don't know why but I really love this chapters' title.

Enjoy (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) friendly reminder: prepare yourself


The Sins later proceeded to celebrate Elizabeth's return. Although it was only Ban and Meliodas who insisted on doing a party mainly to drink to their hearts' content, which is what they did almost everyday.

"But today's different". Elizabeth thought to herself as she leans her arms at the wooden counter.

Diane had been the one asking and telling her stories, she didn't once tell them about the demons who had treated her nicely as a little sister. They wouldn't believe it anyway.

Merlin had come to ask her questions occasionally when she decided to call it a night and returned to her room. King, Estarossa and Gowther was dragged into Meliodas and Ban's stupid bet which makes the situation even more livelier.

Hawk had been eating beside Elizabeth while listening to her and Diane's conversation all night long.

Soon, they all passed out on the floor, counter, tables due to exhaustion from partying. Except for Elizabeth and Meliodas.

Elizabeth decided to walk out from the bar since she wouldn't want the others listening to their conversation. She didn't hope for Meliodas to follow her trails, but knowing him, he's already following her from behind.

"I'm glad you and the others are well." She started cheerfully while continue taking steps which would lead her to an open field.

Hearing no response but only quiet footsteps, she continued. "Diane told me stories of you and them. Quite the adventure-"

She turned around as she heard a sniff. Meliodas was meters away from her, he couldn't take another step towards her. It's as if if he does, she would disappear.

"Meliodas?" She called while walking to him and he backs away while wiping his tears, "No. Don't come any closer."

Elizabeth proceeded to run and hugged him tightly as they fall on their knees to the ground.

Meliodas breaks down in crying again as he return the hug and buried his head into her shoulder.

"It's been a year. A hell of a year." He started quietly as he sobs.

Elizabeth caresses his back, "I'm sorry to put you in such misery-"

"It's despair for me. You're the only hope and reason I have left in this world- and- to know that you died while I was away- I-"

He stops mid-sentence as he started to hiccup and Elizabeth couldn't help but giggle in adoration. The last time she ever saw him having a breakdown was 3000 years ago. And knowing him, the last thing he would ever want from her is being pitied at.

"It's not funny." He muttered in embarrassment.

"I know." She chuckles and Meliodas breaks the hug and he cupped both of her cheeks. Elizabeth did the same and she wiped the tears on his face. She fixes his hair and he chuckles in return.

They stared into each other's eyes before Meliodas started leaning in towards her-

When Elizabeth suddenly saw Zeldris in front of her and she breaks their contact and Meliodas stopped.

Elizabeth keeps her head down in embarrassment- they were going to kiss! Yet she ruined the moment because she thought of Zeldris for one moment.

"I see." He stated as he stands up while keeping his right hand in his pocket while the left hand messes his hair. He sighs and looks away.

Elizabeth wanted to say something. To tell him what he is thinking wasn't true- that she only feels that way towards Zeldris was because she didn't have any memories of Meliodas.

But that was an excuse. She knew it. She didn't dare say it. It will only hurt him more, saying nothing to object his thought already did hurt him though.

"Because she do loves him." Meliodas looks up towards the moon.

"I love you." Elizabeth said aloud. She looks at him with passion, "I really do! So that's why, no matter what happens always, always remember that I will still love you."

Meliodas stared right into her blue eyes and smiled, "I know."

Elizabeth could feel her heart being stabbed with never ending pain, he didn't say those words to her. Those 3 words, those 8 letters.

He never say those words to her.

But Elizabeth knows he feels the same way towards her. Those words mean nothing compared to actions that proved it.

She knows Meliodas was never the type to say those words- too cheesy, he once said back 3000 years ago.

Elizabeth knows that she ruined their moment awhile back, but she can't proceed doing it while thinking of another man- not that Meliodas wasn't on hers but it feels so wrong. Meliodas trusted his heart to Elizabeth and even though he's the perverted kind, never once did he thought of another woman except her. And there she was, thinking of another man while he was inches away from her.

She wondered, why had she said those 3 words to him back then. Was it to tell him her feelings only ever belonged to him? Or was it she has started to doubt him, that's why she said it. To give him a reason to keep loving her?

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