Chapter 21 "This Isn't Goodbye"

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Merry Christmas everyone! I know I'm late but it's better than nothing :3

It was midnight and Elizabeth was still awake on her bed. She was eager to share her thoughts with Zeldris.

Just as her mind speaks of Zeldris, the balcony doors was pushed opened and he walked in to see Elizabeth sitting up.

"Look who couldn't sleep." He smirked. Elizabeth blushes and looked at him in a serious expression. "I have something on my mind."

Zeldris leave the balcony doors opened as he approached her and when he was climbing the tall bed, Elizabeth stuttered and back away.

"What?" He asked when he notices Elizabeth looking away. He climbed up the bed successfully and positioned himself in front of Elizabeth and cross his leg and arm. "So?"

Elizabeth snapped back to reality and put her arms on her lap, her legs were still inside the thick blankets.

"When I die, they will bury my body." She started and Zeldris exhaled his breath uncomfortable with this topic.

"And you will not be able to resurrect the demon king. What will you do then?"

Zeldris thought for a while and then shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. I actually don't want to resurrect the demon king, even if he's my father."

"You do know, if you keep acting this way, the demons will turn their back on you." She said concerned.

"They can't. Because of my commandment that the demon king had bestowed upon me, the one who hates the demon king will be affected by my commandment and they will start to work for the demons." He explained. "So I can't."

"Why do you hate him?" She asked, curious.

"He- drove all the people that I loved." He said quietly, "My mother, wasn't a demon at all. She was a goddess and right after I was born after Estarossa and Meliodas, he sent my mother away. Estarossa and I haven't met her but Meliodas did. And then, Gelda." He breathed. "Gelda was from the vampire race, and the vampire king once tried to rebel against the demon king and he ordered me to execute them. All of the vampire race."

Elizabeth face saddened when she saw Zeldris smiling sadly. "I can't bring myself to kill her so I sealed them all away for eternity. But someone broke the seal and they were freed. And then it happens, the story you told me about 10 years ago at Edinburgh."

Elizabeth nod her head as she finally knew who Gelda was, his lover. And the one who saved Meliodas' life.

She told him about the incident where Gelda was resurrected but died of protecting Meliodas. Zeldris remained motionless, "She knew it is no use to be resurrected again when she can't see me anymore."

After a moment, he lift his head to look at Elizabeth, "I think, maybe it is better if the demon king died. But the question is, how?"

They talked for what appears to be hours when Elizabeth spoke, "I need you to take my magic away from me."

"You would die instantly!" Zeldris protested. It was dawn and they both still have a lot more things to talk about.

"It would be no use if I died and the power inside me died along as well. You told me that your mother is a goddess, that means you're half demon and goddess. You could take on my power." She insisted.

She has also told him about what had happened back when she's at Edinburgh and Estarossa almost died because of her magic. "Estarossa didn't care about our mother, he never accepted the fact that we're half goddess blood. And as far as I knew, he replaced all his goddess power to demon. The same goes for Meliodas."

"Then you could take on my power. What's left inside me isn't much left." She pleaded.

"But- don't you care about Meliodas? At least see him for the last time before you-"

"It would be much better if they were not to see me. He told me they will be gone for a month or so. And it's only a week before it turns to month."

Zeldris hesitated for a moment when Elizabeth pulled her into a hug. "Demons and Goddesses are never allowed to intervene with each other's life."

She tightened the hug and Zeldris hugged her back with their eyes closed. "The outcome of it will be very painful. But we must carry on." She continued.

Zeldris gritted his teeth and he began to take Elizabeth's magic from her body. Every second that passed, her body became more motionless and colder.

As Zeldris finishes on taking all her remaining power, she muttered, "Don't you think that a demon and a goddess will actually be quite a good pair?"

And her eyes closed, her breathing stopped. She leaned onto Zeldris shoulder as he breath heavily. Slowly, he broke the hug and lay Elizabeth down onto the bed carefully. After that, he fixed the blanket around her to make it look like she died while sleeping.

He then put his forehead against hers, "I think it would be quite a great pair." He replied before turning away to flies off from her room.

When morning came, Margaret went to Elizabeth's room to checked on her like she always do every morning. She knocked more than once but she got no reply. Fear crept into her mind and she pushed the door open and saw Elizabeth laying on her bed.

Her eyes were already flowing with tears and she fell down to the floor and cried. Veronica came after hearing her sister crying and saw that Elizabeth was motionless on her bed. Her eyes were starting to water and she approached her, "Ellie?" She called. But no matter how loud or many times she called her name, Elizabeth wouldn't open her eyes.

Veronica cried beside Elizabeth and Margaret was still on the floor.

Moments later the king and also a druid came.

The druid sadly face the royal family. "I'm very sorry."

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