Chapter 37 "Perfect Cube"

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This time, it's been Elizabeth who's keeping her distance away from Meliodas. She didn't even try to hide it.

And this time, the others grew suspicious. They questioned the captain numerous time if he had done something to upset her and he had replied them with honesty. He told them about their encounter with Fate yesterday and that Fate had said something to her. But he left the kissing part to himself and Elizabeth.

Diane and Hawk had tried to talk with Elizabeth since they were the next closest to her after Meliodas, she did talked to them. But when they started asking her questions regarding yesterday's event or anything that has to do with Meliodas, she would avoid the topic and excused herself.

She spent most times just laying on the roof of the Boar Hat's while gazing to the sky above her. The act where she would occasionally do with Zeldris.

It gives her a little freedom. Gazing to the infinite sky gave her an unexplainable feeling. It gives her the yearning to fly, to feel the sky. How it feels to be endless. To be absolutely free.

She can fly, but never able to reach for that sky that seemed to be just meters away from her grasp.

As she closed her eyes for a short nap, an explosion occurred near the location where they are at.

She sat up straight with a serious look and sensed a familiar presence beside her. She didn't need to look at the person to know it was Meliodas.

"Is it them?" Diane shouted while gripping her hammer tightly as she stood in her giant size in a fighting stance. Everyone was outside too, observing the heavy smoke where the explosion occurred.

"You have someone I want." A stern voice sounded from the above and they followed the figure as it slowly got on the same level as Meliodas and Elizabeth.

Meliodas stood in front of her while using his right arm to shield her.

"Apparently that someone you want is mine." Meliodas spat back, his tone was cold. Elizabeth was taken aback by his words. He's in his demon mode.

"Or is it just in your imagination's left?" He smirked, as if knowing what Elizabeth's response will be, he calls out to her, "I need you to come with me."

Meliodas was the first to respond as he charges towards Zeldris, rage was evident of his face as he attacks him.

Elizabeth stood there watching both men she loves dearly fighting each other. King and Merlin had appeared to her side to protect her as the other Commandments launched their assault on them.

"Elizabeth, no matter what happens do not leave our side." Merlin ordered. She didn't reply as her focus was on the two demons fighting each other on air while blowing some attacks that damaged the earth.

Merlin casts Perfect Cube on Elizabeth as the Sins proceeded to fight the Commandments and the demon's brethren.

"Merlin! Let me fight as well-"

"And let yourself be captured by the demons? I don't know what you are planning but I will absolutely not allow you to be with them." Merlin replied telepathically.

There was no way to break the Perfect Cube except for the caster to release it or for someone who knows how to use Perfect Cube to broke the spell.

But she readied herself to fly away from the battlefield because-

Zeldris had learnt how to use the Perfect Cube.


Exam had just ended today!

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