Stupid Drunken Irrational Impulsive Confessions

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We made it to the bar Laila worked. I went straight to the bar table and grabbed a stool. Laila was attending to other patrons so I was left to talk to the headless woman for now. She explained to me how she was born, how she ate, how she perceives with her other senses as well, and how she had to speak. I noticed as we spoke that she tended to check her phone often. At first, I thought she was waiting for someone but then I realized that her phone was getting notifications, she just wasn't responding. It was a little annoying so I had to ask about it. "Do you have somewhere you need to be? I don't want to hold you up..." she quickly denied it however. She stretched out her hands and shook them, then typed on her phone and showed me "My family is just trying to contact me, we had a falling out..." I furrowed my brow. I could relate to disagreeing with the family and wanting to go your own path. It wasn't easy because everyone thinks that they are doing things in your best interest. Only you really know what will make you happy least when it comes to the important things.

We finally got our drinks. Leila gave me a funny look. I wasn't drunk enough to shoot her one back so I simply told her thank you. As we drank more, she started telling me more about the situation she was in. She was the daughter of some important man. Her mother died when she was young, her brother was next in line to be the head and she was essentially a mascot. Only she was headless it sounded like. Her brother and father were Dulluhan...with heads of course. She was the anomaly and of course as an anomaly she was treated as a special case, outcasted yet she had a short leash. I could relate to that kind of

"You know what? How about you come live with me? I mean at least until you can talk to your family again. You won't have to worry; I promise I'll take care of you with the best of my ability." She seemed to maybe be lost in thought? It was hard to tell with her not having a head. Still, I felt like she may have been smiling...Eventually she said she would consider it...probably wondering if I had ulterior motives. I can't say that I didn't. I started ordering us some more drinks and she asked about my circumstances. She used the "I told you about me so tell me about you" card so I sort of had no choice.

"Well I was born here under a very peculiar set of rules. I think my parents would have given me a sheltered life but I had different plans growing up. My parents are kind of racist against Altmans...I'm not personally, and honestly, I think you guys are pretty cool. It's kind of like you have super powers...but for some reason my parents didn't like me being associated with they sent me to an all non-Altman school. I would have stayed there too had I not been a trouble maker." Laila came around with the drinks and it was good to, since this story involved her. 

The Night I Had With A Headless WomanWhere stories live. Discover now