The Night I Met the Dulluhan

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So to drinks I walked. I decided to walk not just because the ride would be slower but also because I wanted to walk off a bit of my frustrations. Normally I ban myself from walking to avoid situations that might cause me to act unnecessarily into other peoples problems. Problems like "She has damn good body. Hey Eddie, strip'er down. Let's see what she has under there..."

When I over hear thins like that, I can't help but to stop myself in front of the dark alley where the voices came from. I can't stop myself fro walking down that alley and I definitely can't contain my anger when they say things like. "Oh, another one came to join." Especially while they are steadily undoing a woman's shirt. But it wasn't just any woman, it was an Altman. It really pisses me off to see Altman getting treated in such a way. So of course I walked in without worrying about the guys slowly surrounding me. The biggest guy, who also seemed like he was some kind of half wolf man, was holding the Altman girl.

Most of these guys were Altman. They were all ugly in their own right which is why they probably had to do what they were doing now to get some action without paying. Their reasons are not my concern however. They already intend to make this interesting so let's make it interesting. There were six of them standing in a hexagon with me in the middle of them. I could hear the guy behind me approaching me slowly while the guy in front of me tried to grab me. He received a sharp punch to his weird flat nose area that was on his face. It obviously hurt though as he held it and recoiled back. At this moment the man behind me went for the lunge. I twisted my body so that I could turn around and give him a solid roundhouse to the side of his body. When the hit landed I felt something crack and he immediately dropped to the floor.

They probably realized I could hold my own at this point so now they decided to come two at a time. There were still 5 of them as the guy who's nose I hit was still standing. Now there were three behind me and two in front of me. The two in the front went to grab me at the same time. The one on the right was a little faster as I had to block his punch he swung at me and return one back to him, the other guy grabbed my body and lifted me a little allowing me to at least kick the guy who I punched in the groin before being completely lifted. Since he would be out of commission for a little, another man approached trying to hold me down but I wasn't going to have it. Before he had a chance to get to me, I elbowed the guy who lifted me right in the head which dazed him a little.  I then kicked at the guy who was coming towards us making the dazed man who was holding me lose his balance and fall. Sadly it seemed that holding me was his top priority as I fell with him. The other guys saw that as an open opportunity to hit me a few times which really pissed me off by the way. I kicked at him making him back off for a long enough time to elbow the Altman holding me in the face one more time. He seemed to finally lose his grip. Now there were four, or so I thought. Apparently the woman from before had started hitting the guy who I kicked in the groin earlier. Hoping that she would be enough to hold him at least until I took care of the other three, I decided to focus on them. They looked at me with a little bit of uncertainty for some reason. I didn't care anymore however, I wanted to take them down. I ran towards one of them and rammed against his surprisingly sturdy body, he had a good center of balance as well so he only stepped back a few steps. It was enough for me to sneak my foot behind his when he stepped back to make him fall. When he fell I made sure to give him a little push to make him fall harder. Once he was on the ground the other guy was already swinging at me. He had a clean hit on my face and then tried to kick me. I blocked the kick with my own leg then grabbed the guys shoulders and head butted him. It was pretty effective as he seemed to be knocked out immediately. The guy on the ground seemed horrified as he said "H-Horns?" I didn't care however, I leaned down and started punching the guy in the face repeatedly. I was expecting his friend to help but eventually but he never did. By the time I finish beating the guys face in, the one who the girl was holding and the other guy who didn't disturb the face beating I was giving had left. They ran like cowards...I needed to calm down however. I looked over to the girl, she looked unharmed mostly. It was relieving to see but

"Where is you're head?" I asked. She was the dulluhan type but her head was nowhere to be found. She pulled out her phone and started typing on it which wasn't unusual since she didn't have her head with her, apparently she could see though.

The message said that she didn't have one.... "Don't have one? But how?" She then asked if there was a place we could talk and since the bar my good friend worked at was nearby, I decided to bring her there.

The Night I Had With A Headless WomanWhere stories live. Discover now