Some AN if ya don't wanna read it's fine

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heeey... uhh so, i feel like crap. Well, I feel like shit 24/7 but this WHOLE compilation takes the cake. I guess I wanted to bask in the glory of others and their works so I posted THEIR work, something they worked hard on, and something that I just copied and pasted—on here.

You might say "Oh, but people do it all the time!" Im sure they do, but even if the majority does it, doesn't mean it's not wrong. I guess I placed myself in their shoes. I wouldn't really want something I thought hard on, gave time and love to be posted somewhere that I wasn't even aware of. Yes, ALL of the post here weren't consented on. I'm really sorry. I didn't ask for permission to post their works here, I kinda just did, and I'm only facing this now. And just leaving their usernames there was not credit to the users, I know you guys don't search them. Well, im sure not all of you but majority don't really check out the original creator.

I'll discontinue this, I don't want to steal other peoples content anymore. I left what their usernames are and where to find them, just go check them out if you guys wanna read more but  I'm gonna stop posting here. Thank you for the journey, I had fun. But sadly, I gotta stop here.

Bye, Awesome Person.

Rick Sanchez X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now