Rick X Reader (Sex Pollen)

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By: braddcckbetsy


"G-Get in the ship!"

"Wh-" You're yanked and dragged backward by Rick's steel clutch on your wrist. You almost trip a few times and you wish Rick would remember that your legs aren't as long as his.

Unfortunately for you, he's frantic and hyper-focused, fleeing the alien flea market like a bat out of hell. Rick whips you around so you slam unpleasantly into the passenger side of his space craft, making you swear viciously at the impact while he rushes around to the other side and throws himself into the driver's seat.

Your ass is barely touching the chair when the ship propels upward, tossing you back with a jolt.

"Rick, what's the-." You begin, but are immediately interrupted by his outburst.
"I-I-I can't even fucking believe...of-of all the stupid shit, I mean. Sex pollen. Sex pollen! Do you-d'you ever fucking feel like your life is one huge fucking cliché for someone else's amusement? I mean h-how tired and overused can something...? J-just uuuggggggh. Fell right into that one, did-didn't I?"

Rick is beginning to look flushed, his hands trembling on the steering wheel. You watch him with a mounting, slightly panicked confusion. Not exactly sure what's he's going on about, you turn to look out of the window and check if you're being pursued.

"No, n-nothing out there, babe. Problem-Problem's in here. Specifically, uhh..." Rick nods his head with gritted teeth, indicating his lap.

Your eyes move to the "problem", which turns out to be the massive erection tenting the front of his pants.
"Rick, how did..." Your query trails off as one of his hands frees his organ and it bobs, hard, angry, and red, before he wraps his fist around it and begins pumping with single-minded fervor.

"Wha-eeuugh-at does it matter how? Does anyone ever care what I inhaled or touched or-or-or you know, whatever is supposed to happen to get me to this point? J-just take your fucking pants off and-and hop on it." He's visibly sweating now, his gaze sliding, hot and hungry, over your body as he continues stroking his length.

"But you're driving the ship...," You protest feebly, watching his hand's progress, enthralled.

Rick jerks the steering wheel harshly to the right, your head bouncing off the glass as you're thrown with the sudden movement. "I ­know that, I-," he stops to moan, hunching over as his hand works faster, "I'm well aware of my current situation, but I swear to god, if you-if you don't fucking get over here in two seconds, I'm go-I'm going to pilot this shit straight into the next sun, because the only things that're gonna get me any relief are your hot cunt fucking me or immediate death."

Gulping and breathing a little heavy at his crudeness, you start fumbling with the button on the front of your shorts, unsnapping it and lifting your hips with the intent to slide the garment off.

"N-Not fast enough," Rick grunts, twisting a hand in your hair and forcing your head down over his lap. "Suck," he commands, as if you weren't capable of divulging what he wanted from you with your face an inch from his dick.

You take him into your mouth, getting only halfway down his girth before he starts bucking his hips up frantically, forcing his cock far past your comfort zone and making you choke and gag. His hand is still in your hair, holding you captive to his desperate violation, your eyes squeezing shut as you force your throat to relax.

After only a few seconds, though, you feel him twitch and still, hot pulses of his cum spurting into your mouth and leaking out the sides. You lean back, coughing and wiping your mouth, watching Rick's organ swell and rise again almost immediately. Rick groans in frustration, arousal-dilated eyes snapping to you as he reaches to pull you back.

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