Abductor!Rick x Kidnapped!Reader

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By: dirtygsanchez
Warning : Abduction, Kinky shit, BDSM, Oral play, Perverted mind games, Domination.


Battling your way through the wind and rain, you grumbled as your umbrella was blown inside out forcing you to abandon it in a nearby bin.

Entering the office you slumped at your desk with a huff. Squinting at your watch you noticed that you were over an hour late, a fact reinforced by the disapproving looks your colleagues were now giving you.

Turning on your computer, you glanced up toward your Boss' office, as you had predicted, he was standing, watching; his bulbous shape clearly visible through the blinds. Opening them, he shook his head and tapped his watch with over dramatized annoyance.

Smiling back apologetically, you returned your attention to your computer screen, opening your emails you read over the projects which had been scheduled for your work experience placement; all were disappointingly mundane.

Suddenly you noticed that the general hustle and bustle of the office was missing, in fact there seemed to be no noise at all. Looking up you realised that all of your colleagues were frozen into position like perverse motionless marionettes.

The sight, coupled with the eerie silence caused your stomach to un-unnervingly sink; clearly something was seriously wrong. As you got up from your desk, you experienced a strange gravity, heavy and heady, which knocked you forcefully to the floor, coercing you into a crawl.

On shaking hands and knees you made your way along the adjacent corridor in an attempt to reach the nearest exit.
You were nearly there when you felt strong skeletal fingers reach around one of your ankles and tighten. Turning with a sharp squeal you saw what could only be described as a large insect; some kind of man-sized mantis with huge mandibles and towering antennae.

To your surprise the thing appeared to be wearing aviator shades.
"Hi, I'm Krombopulos 8." It said, waving a clawed hand cheerily.
"What?" You blurted; your mind still flooded to capacity with confusion.
Before it could respond you felt a soft material bag being forced over your head by what you assumed could only be the insect's accomplice.

Screaming you flipped onto your back and thrust your fists out, hearing a stifled groan as you made contact with something reassuringly soft. Continuing to kick out you heard a confirming shout from one of your assailants as he fell heavily to what you assumed were his knees. Before you could fight any further your hood was engulfed with the unfamiliar toxic tang of Chloroform which overwhelmed and choked you, delivering you swiftly into merciful unconsciousness.


You awoke, your mind cloudy, your senses saturated by darkness. You tried to shout, but quickly realised you had been gagged as well as blindfolded.

Regaining feeling in your body you were able to ascertain you had been restrained against a wall by your ankles and wrists, left only in your underwear and spread in a star shape. How cliché, you considered, completely oblivious to the inappropriate nature of the thought until you heard what sounded like two people walking around the room and whispering lightly to each other, almost like they were squabbling over something, or someone, you reminded yourself.

Hearing the sound of what you imagined was money being counted out you began to panic, normally you enjoyed being restrained, but this was all too unknown, all too real, feeling a wave of dread course through your body, you bit down on the gag to stop your lip from quivering, there was no way you were going to display your intimidation.

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