Monthly (Rick/Reader)

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Warning: Blood, Period Sex, Age Difference, thas all.


At eleven, I dragged myself out of bed, groaning loudly in announcement as I slumped against the wall beside me.


No matter how many times I muddled through them, my periods always seemed to find new, insidious ways to make themselves exhausting and inconvenient. I lurched toward the bathroom as my stomach gave an agonizing clench, scrambling for the toilet. Another spasm rolled from my thighs through my gut, fizzling out in a deep ache low in my spine as I sat down, wrapped my arms around myself and squeezed my eyes shut.

It was the third day of my housesitting stint for my considerably eccentric neighbors. Beth, the pretty, soft-spoken wife and mother had stopped me to say hello several times when she caught me on my morning walks. When she mentioned on one chilly morning that she was on her way to work at the equine hospital just off the highway, I knew immediately why she had come off as such a kind soul the first time we had spoken. We talked at length about pets and the lengths their owners go to in order to keep them healthy and happy, and she mentioned her daughter in passing. “I’m sure Summer would be amazed by you,” she told me earnestly. It was a huge compliment, but I got the sense that she hoped that I could befriend her daughter and become something of a mentor to her. I had seen Summer out – willowy, self-assured. Exactly the kind of girl I would’ve been intimidated by and embarrassed to be compared to by proximity back in high school. I’d cautiously steered conversation elsewhere and Beth had graciously chosen not to bring it up again.

When I explained one day that I was in a sort of antsy, free-floating state while the college I worked at was closed for break before the fall semester, her eyes lit up and she told me that they had been looking for someone to stay at their house while they went on a family vacation. (“Our marriage counselor suggested that we all get out of our routine and try to get reacquainted in a new environment,” she whispered with a skeptical smile.) My “I’d love to!” was so loud that the morning ambience of crickets and birds came to a sudden halt.

If my core temperature wasn’t already spiking toward outrageous levels, the memory would’ve made my face heat up with embarrassment. I stood carefully, kicked my clothing into a pile in front of the sink, and turned the fan on before slumping into the shower stall. I turned the knob just enough for the water that rained down on me to be lukewarm and then allowed myself a loud, indulgent sigh.

Beth texted me a few days before the Smiths planned to leave, asking me when I could come over for her to go over things with me. Trying not to sound as bored as I was, I fibbed and replied that I was busy until evening. She ended her message stating that I could come over at around six with a smiley face that was so heartfelt that I grinned when I read it.

“Hi! Thank you so much for coming,” she had said, and I realized from the sudden silence that fell over the house that we had an audience. What sounded like the faint droning of a newscaster from another room had even stopped. The nervousness that had somehow stayed dormant until then unfurled in my stomach, and I forced myself to return her smile, giving the sincerest “Honestly, it’s my pleasure” that I could muster. She introduced me first to her husband, Jerry, and he gave an uncomfortably loud laugh and looked between the two of us with a barely-concealed fear as if he was trying to figure out at that second if his wife was having an affair with the neighbor girl half her age. “Oh, right! Hiii,” he sputtered.

It was becoming apparent that the Smiths were a bit stranger than I had assumed.

“Summer, this is the girl I mentioned who’s going to be housesitting while we’re away.” Beth crossed her arms pensively after leading me into the pretty, sun-bathed dining room. Summer glanced up from her phone, genuine interest flitting momentarily through her eyes. She offered an “Oh. Hi” before resuming the superhuman movements of her fingers across the screen. My skin had tingled with unease, and I glanced at Beth to find her face graver than I’d seen it before.

Rick Sanchez X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now